I do... Sequel to Yes

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Dean and Seth have been engaged for a few months now. At Wrestlemania Seth won the Intercontinental title and has been defending it regularly, As for Dean he's about to get cleared for in-ring action. They have been planning their wedding too and it's going good, Seth is with Dean in Birmingham, Alabama for Dean's evaluation on his injured shoulder. They hope today's the day that Dean gets cleared to start In-ring training, early today Dean met with the doctor and now he is with trainer as Seth is watching and going over some of the wedding arrangements. The trainer stops his evaluation and gives Dean a piece of paper that is releasing him to start working out and get back into the ring for training but don't overdo it at first just a few hours a week then work himself up, as Dean agrees and walks to Seth. Seth looks up and smiles "good news I hope" as Dean nods and shows Seth the paper as Seth smirks "omg your released Deano" as Dean smirks and says "you made some more decisions on the wedding arrangements I see" as Seth takes his notebook and closer it and grabs Dean hand as the two of you walk out of the building "yep I was just working on some things that we where talking about early so since you got cleared you want to go celebrate we don't have to rush back to L.A just yet we got time to site see and relax before heading that way for the rest of the week with company" as Dean nods his head and says "that sounds good Sethie we can go to dinner if you want? As Seth laughs and says "yep I like that idea Deano why don't we go back to the hotel and get ready then out for a special dinner together? As Seth grabs Dean hand and smiles at him and Dean smiles back at him "yeah that sounds like a plan my kingslayer" as they start to leave the Training Center and head back to their hotel.

A few hours later they are getting ready for dinner, As they both are dressed and about to head out to the restaurant they find near by and both of them looking sexy in casual clothes, They didn't want anything fancy they wanted to be themselves for a few more days. Dean and Seth both wanted a quiet night between the two of them, they leave the hotel-room and walk down the street towards the restaurant hand in hand, Seth looks at Dean and says "when do you want to start training Deano? As Dean thinks for a few minutes and says "I was thinking when we get back to L.A I can start back up with some of the trainers from work, what do you think about that? As Seth looks at him and nods "I like that idea, you know the company is going to be happy you got cleared to start in-ring training finally" as they keep walking towards their destination as Seth smiles "Deano I got a question about the wedding" as Dean looks at Seth & smiles "sure sethie ask away" as they arrive at the restaurant and Seth asks Dean the question about the wedding as they wait to be seated and Dean gives Seth his answer, a few minutes later they get seated at their table, and they look over their menu's making up there minds on what they want. A few minutes go by and their waitress comes and takes their drink order, and their food orders as they sit back and enjoy each other's company until it all arrives at the table, a while later they get done eating and are back at the hotel Seth and Dean are  laying down on the bed and Seth says "Deano since you got cleared to get back in the ring and I'm the Ic champ we will not have much time to plan the wedding now it's been hard enough on me with my schedule already what do you think about when go home to Vegas just getting married there?and we can always have a big wedding when we get time down the road" as Dean smiles "Sethie it's up to you im down for anything baby boy as long as your happy when the day is over I'm happy" as Seth smiles and kisses Dean "I love you and I want to marry you in Vegas when we get home I can't wait to be Mr. Colby Daniel Lopez-Good aka Seth Rollins-Ambrose" as Dean smiles and grabs his hand "I can't wait either to have you as my husband go around saying my man is Seth Rollins-Ambrose and I'm Dean Ambrose aka Mr. Jonathan David Good" as Dean pulls Seth close to him and makes Seth lay down on his chest as they go to sleep. 

The next morning Seth is awake before Dean and is getting ready in the bathroom for the day, they are going to do a little sightseeing before heading to L.A Dean knocks on the bathroom door and comes in a few minutes later saying "baby boy I need to shower then I'll get ready for us to head out on the town" as Seth nods his head "that's fine Deano we have plenty of time" Seth walks out and let's Dean get in the shower as he continues to get ready in the room and when he finishes, Dean comes out of the bathroom and starts to get ready himself and Seth is sitting on the bed waiting for him but he is watching Dean's every move he loves watching his man just like Dean loves watching Seth. They leave the hotel-room and head out for some last-minute sightseeing first stop is breakfast then Seth wants to take Dean to a few shops he find online and knows Dean will like and this will probably be the last time they will be in Birmingham, Alabama for a while, the next time wwe will be there is in a few months and Dean should be back on the road with company by then hopefully if everything goes well with his in-ring training, Dean loves the the stores Seth find and they both got some awesome things and now they are on their way back to L.A for work. 

When they get there Dean has a meeting with Kurt Mr. McMahon and Steph about what is going on with him, and his status in the meeting Dean tells them he got cleared to started in-ring training as soon as they like, he is ready for it as they agree to send him down to the nxt performance center and let him work with the trainers next week this week they need him in L.A for appearances. And he is happy with that and they talk for a few more minutes then the meeting ends and he leaves and goes to meet up with Seth and Roman to let them know what is going on, the next few days go by and now Dean is down at the performance center starting his training and he has been waiting so long for it that he just soaks up every minute that he is in the ring, he listen to the trainers very closer so that nothing goes wrong and he doesn't reinjured himself, he wants to return so bad real soon. Over the next few days dean continue to work on his in-ring training why Seth defenses the Intercontinental title as for Roman is trying to get the universal title from Brock lesnar, Seth is going to be home in Vegas next week so Dean will be there to so they can get married, and Roman and his wife Galina are going to come up and be their witnesses. Dean is at the performance center getting his last-minute workout in before heading home to Vegas and Seth so they can get marry and finally become husband & husband this weekend.

Seth is already back in Vegas, Roman is there too Galina is getting a plane ride out early in the morning Dean called Seth and told "him that he would be home later tonight" Seth tells "Dean about Galina getting there in the morning and him and Roman will see later tonight". Dean is getting more excited as he is on the plane, he can't wait to be home and finally be able to call Seth his husband after this weekend, as for Seth and Roman they are at Deans place playing some video games in the living-room waiting on their food delivery to arrive, a while later after the food arrives they turn off the game and watch some tv. Dean arrives soon Seth gets up and walks up to him and hugs him "Deano your home I missed you so much, how was training? As Dean smiles and kisses Seth's forehead "baby boy I missed you too and training is going well the guys down that are helping me along are amazing trainers, you ready for tomorrow night?, I called a chapel and got us a time we have to be there by 6:00 that will Galina time to get here In the morning and relax a bit before we have to be there" as Seth laughs "I can't wait and six is perfect & I can't believe you did all this" he smiles "I knew how much this meant to you, and my schedule isn't as busy as yours baby boy, I also got our license too for the preacher and us to sign I got everything covered" as Seth is shocked but happy that Dean did all this and can't wait for tomorrow night to get here.

The shield boys hang out for a few hours until they head to bed it's going to be a long day. The next morning comes and Galina arrives and the four of them go for lunch then spend time around the house together until they have to head to the chapel, alittle before 6 they leave to head the chapel and when they get there Seth starts to get  nervous and Dean sees it "baby boy it's okay in just a few minutes we will be husband and husband, you will be Colby Lopez-Good aka Seth Rollins-Ambrose and I'm so excited for it too" as Seth and Dean hug and then their names are called so Seth looks at Dean "it's time Deano" and Dean nods his head and they start walk back with Roman and Galina, when they get back there the preacher starts and makes them stay the vows and then after they repeat the vows, preacher then asks Jonathan "if he takes Colby as his? And Jonathan says "I  do" then he asks Colby "if he takes Jonathan as his? And Colby says "I do? Then the preacher says "I now pronounce you husband and husband you two may kiss each other now" as Dean kisses Seth making it official they are married, Roman and Galina cheer for them and they celebrate after they sign their license and leave the chapel, Dean & Seth can't wait to start the next chapter of the live together as a married couple, Seth is a fighter Intercontinental champion and Dean is working on in-ring training for  his return which happens to be sooner then later if he keeps up the good work.
Roman is one step closer to getting his match against Brock and that title and the word around the company is Brock is leaving WWE really soon so good riddance... LoL

Ambrollins (Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins) Moxrollins (Mox & Rollins) Completed!Where stories live. Discover now