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It had been plastered all over social media when you were going to be bringing baby Jonghyum home. Taehyung had posted it to BTS' twitter and fancafe, all the boys did a special Vlive to announce the news, and multiple other k-idols were sending their congratulations and best wishes. Shinee was especially supportive, they had sent you a basket filled with gifts for Jonghyun when he came home, and thanked you and Taehyung for naming the baby boy after their beloved leader.
The day you were to bring him home, fans were sending more and more messages on social media, and hundreds of fans were at the hospital that Jonghyun was at. "We are going to pick up baby Jonghyun now!" Taehyung exclaimed, holding up his camera in the vehicle, he had started a special Vlive for fans to watch as everyone journeyed to the hospital to take the baby boy home at last. "Everyone is so excited! ARMY Is showing us lots of love too!" The camera swung to your face, where you were fussing over Jina in her carseat, tucking a blanket around her to keep her warm and fixing the little hat she was wearing, "Mommy is excited too! Getting Jina ready to help bring Jonghyun home!"
You looked up, and then smiled at the camera, "Neh! Oppa!" you laughed when he almost dropped the camera. "Oppa is excited too." you paused, looking at the phone for a minute, "Thank you! ARMY made this blanket for Jina," you said to someone commenting on how cute the pink and white blanket that was around Jina was. "Jonghyun has one in blue and white as well. It is in his bag, I will wrap him in it when we are leaving hospital."
"Bring the camera around, ARMY wants to see Jina!" Jimin commanded, making Taehyung move the phone so it was over Jina's face.
"She has y/n's eyes!" Yoongi said as the comments about how cute the baby eyes were poured in.
"okay, okay. don't get her overstimulated!" You scolded as Jina started to fuss softly due to all the boys getting excited and trying to look at her and talk to the camera at the same time. "Turn it off for now, we can do another little video when we check Jonghyun out."
"Okayyyy," Taehyung pouted before turning the camera back to his face. "I will turn Vlive back on when we get Jonghyun! bye-bye!" Taehyung turned the camera off, putting it in his pocket before scooting closer to you, peering over as Jina began to calm down after you slipped a pacifier into her mouth.
"ARMY is so excited and happy," Jungkook commented as the vehicle began to slow down, arriving at the hospital.
"Everyone ready?" The driver asked as he pulled up right at the hospital doors.
"Yeah, let me help get y/n and Jina out." RM mumbled, opening the doors to the sound of hundreds of screaming girls, security guards immediately surrounding the vehicle.
"I wish they wouldn't act like this," you huffed, growing irritated because all the screaming caused Jina to wail.
"They are just happy for us," Taehyung tried to explain, but he was a bit frustrated too about Jina starting to cry when you had just gotten her calm.
Namjoon took your hand and helped you step out of the car before Taehyung got out and took the carseat out the car, letting you situate the thin cotton blanket over the carrier to hide your baby girl.
"Where is she?!" alot of fans cried when they noticed that Jina was hidden from view.
"Come on," Yoongi grabbed your arm and you walked quickly inside at the cries of disappointment they couldn't see the baby.
You walked hurriedly as Taehyung carried Jina inside, thankful you were able to park just feet from the entrance, with security immediately stepping in front of the doors to disallow anyone from stepping inside behind you. "Hello Mr. Kim, Ms. Min." the nurse at the front desk welcome you and Taehyung. "Are you two ready?"
"Yes!" Taehyung handed Yoongi the carseat with Jina in it, going to the desk with you as you signed in. "I'm so excited." he said softer, kissing the top of your head as you finished signing the papers.
"The doctor will come into Jonghyun's room before he is discharged to go over some details with you. it isn't anything major, just the normal run through on his care, and anything to look out for to make sure he doesn't need to come back."
"Thank you," you gave the nurse a small bow before you and all of BTS walked to the room, for once everyone was allowed in the room at once, and not limited to three visitors at a time. "Hi baby," you ran over to where Jonghyun was, he was wearing a green onsie, denim style jeans, white shoes and he had on a matching green hat. The outfit you had put aside for him to wear on his day home. Picking him up you cradled him in your arms, "You're still so tiny...Are you ready to come home today?"
"Y/N is such a cute mom!" JHope was ecstatic, he had his own phone open, having turned on the Vlive now.
"Everyone wants to see the babies!" Jin laughed, bringing in the spare carseat for Jonghyun and Namjoon took off the thin cotton blanket from Jina's revealing the tiny baby nestled in and sleeping.
"Okay, okay." Tahyung let JHope put the camera on Jina and Jonghyun, letting all the fans go ballistic in the comment section over them.
After about three minutes you waved to the camera, "Okay Oppa, turn it off. the doctor is about to come in!"
"Goodbye, talk to ARMY soon!" Jhope waved and everyone else said goodbye to the camera before turning off the Vlive and pocketing his phone.
"Okay, looks like everyone is getting ready to go home!" The doctor spoke as soon as he came in.
After he explained a few things to you about Jonghyun, and any signs that might indicate he needed to come back to the doctor's or hospital. When he was all finished, he gave Taehyung the discharge papers and let you secure the baby boy into his carseat. "Thank you doctor," Namjoon gave the man a bow and gestured for the others to follow his lead.
"You're welcome, good luck out there and have fun with your new family."
You were rushed into the van as quickly as you had tried to get out of it. You let Taehyung secure the carseats in before you all climbed in together. Both babies were already sleeping in their carseats as you drove back to the dorm, and you leaned against Taehyung, happy to have your whole family together now.
"When we get back I'll put the twins in their cribs and you can take a nice bath, okay?" Taehyung asked, rubbing his hand up and down your arms.
"I'll start lunch when we get back too," Jin added, "Jungkook, you help me tonight alright?"
"Neh Hyung. Can I help feed the babies too?"
You couldn't help but smile, Jungkook was so cute. "I need to pump first, but yes you can help feed them."
The maknae broke out into a wide smile when you answered, "Such a sweet uncle!" Jimin cooed, pinching Jungkook's cheeks as the young male blushed fiercely.
"Yaa!" Jungkook smacked his hands away, getting flustered easily before you all just fell quiet, happy that things finally seemed to be going well again.

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