Bang PD

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As expected, Yoongi received a call from Namjoon saying that Bang PD wanted to see and talk to you. Yoongi handed you a cute black mask with a bear mouth on it, it was one of his so it would cover your face almost up to your high cheek bones.

You slipped the mask on over your face, knowing Yoongi has given it to you in order to conceal the bruises and bandaids on the left side of your face

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You slipped the mask on over your face, knowing Yoongi has given it to you in order to conceal the bruises and bandaids on the left side of your face. In addition to the mask, you also slipped on a black hoodie and pulled the hood up over your face.
"There's probably many people outside. So be ready. Okay?" Too go asked, taking your hand in his, knowing you'd need support not only in the crowd, but also when talking to Bang PD.
"Yeah, I'm ready." You gripped his hand tightly as the two of you walked out the building.
A string of people calling your name flooded your ears. There were dozens of people outside the dorm, all waving cameras and microphones around you. Wanting to talk to you, some women even tried to grab your mask.
It had only been an hour and a half since the incident with Taehyung and Ji-Yong, but yet so many people were already here, wanting a story.
Yoongi kept an arm wrapped around you as you kept your head low and tilted into his chest. He even kept one hand near your face to stop anymore attempts at taking your mask.
"Oppa," you whispered for your brother quietly. "Do we have to go to the office now?" You knew you had to, but your nerves were on edge with so many people following you and wanting to talk to you.
"I'm sorry y/n. We will be at the office quickly enough. Endure it just a little longer." You bit your lower lip anxiously, feeling your hands clam up and your breath quicken. "Please leave us be! We will have a statement released soon enough!" Suga yelled so everyone could hear him.
Of course, this did nothing to stop there pestering. Suga pulled you tighter to his, his hand rubbing up and down your arm comfortingly. "Almost there," He said more to himself than to you as the building came into view.
The two of you walked in silence the last block to BigHit office. You quickly entered the building where two men were waiting for you, ushering you into the elevator quickly. They stood in the contraption with you and Suga, but stood in front of you so that the news people couldn't harass you any longer as the doors closed and moved upwards towards the desired floor.
Once you entered the floor plan that big hit owned, Suga guided you to a door that lead to a smaller side office where Bang PD was waiting.
When the door opened, Bang PD's head lifted to meet your's, Taehyung and RM were sitting at two chairs in front of said desk.
Both turned to look your way upon entering, "yoongi-Ah, y/n-Ah, please sit down as well. We seem to have a lot to discuss." Bang PD gestured to two empty seats by the two boys.
You let go of Yoongi's hand and sat in the chair that was beside Taehyung. The boy immediately took your hand in his, giving you a reassuring squeeze. Suga sat down beside you and put an arm around your shoulders, shooting Taehyung a "I may like you, but watch it," look.
"Does she really have to repeat the story sir?" Taehyung asked, a pout evident on his lips.
"Yes Kim Taehyung. I want to make sure I'm getting the same story. And I need to make sure it's true. Y/n-Ah." He said your name gently, his hands folded together and resting under his chin.
"Neh?" You finally looked to him, your face was still hidden by the mask and you had just now pulled the hoodie from your head. So the marks on your face were still hidden from view.
"I've heard what has happened by Taehyung's account. And I'm terribly sorry, but can you take off your mask for me?" His eyes were soft and he was trying to be as delicate and sincere about the situation as possible.
With a tiny nod, you slipped the mask from your face and looked at the man, biting your lip as his eyes widened at the sight of your face. "I got in fight with boyfriend."
"Ex boyfriend," yoongi added.
"Neh. Ex boyfriend. We argue at school. He mad I did not come from dorm to walk to school with him. He not like my lipstick." You paused, your fingers running over Taehyung's hands. Korean was hard enough, but trying to recount your tale for the nth time in the language was harder.
"It's alright. Tell him the rest." Namjoon leaned over and encouraged you, seeing you struggle. "If you need to use English that's fine. PD understands it well."
You shook your head, "it's okay," you took a deep breath in and then out, collecting yourself. "He yells at me. Tells me I supposed to do as he wants and I tells him, I don't have to do everything he says. So he hit me." You used your free hand to touch the left side of your face. "Taehyung Oppa was at dorm when I get back from school. He asks what happened, but he figure it out without telling. Oppa got mad because Ji-Yong hit me. He went outside and yells at him and hits him. Tells him not to ever talk to me again." You suddenly stood up and bowed shocking everyone in the room, "I'm sorry for causing all the trouble!"
Yoongi pulled you back to your seat, "don't apologize," he mumbled to you.
Bang PD sighed, pushing back against the desk and putting a hand over his mouth in thought.
Still staring at your face, his hand dropped down as he stood to his feet. "Although I don't condone this type of behavior from BTS, I realize the situation you were placed in is very complicated. I can't say I blame your response Taehyung."
Taehyung nodded, his head bowing towards the floor as he was spoken to. "I'm sorry for my action PD-nim. I let my temper get ahead of me."
"I'm pretty sure every member would have acted the same had they been You today. But you did let your temper beat you. And despite the fact I myself hate this, tomorrow we will have a broadcast were you apologize to the public and to Ji-Yong for today. Tonight I want you to go back to the dorm and rest. Y/n?"
"I don't think Taehyung should apologize for what he did for you. I want that to be clear. This is just to keep BTS image together."
"I understand."
"Did you want to report this?"
"Yes. This boy assaulted you, we have very good lawyers and it wouldn't be difficult at all to-"
"I don't want to report."
"Do you feel safe going back to school with him?"
You hesitated here, wringing your hands together. "Y/n?" Taehyung asked, concern lacing his voice.
"I can go to school with you in the morning and we talk to your principal. Would that be okay PD-nim?" Suga asked because they originally had practice starting early in the morning.
"Yes. Talk to her principal, tell him what has happen y/n. If he doesn't expel the boy, threaten him with lawyers Yoongi."
"Alright. I'll have your bodyguards escort you to the company car and drive you back to the dorm as to avoid to many news people."
"Thank you PD-nim." RM stood and bowed gratefully. V, Taehyung, as well as yourself all bowed as well.
"And y/n?"
"Yes sir?"
"If you changed our mind at reporting this. You have all of bighit behind you. I care for you as well, and I'm also angry that this happened to you."
"Thank you."
"And V told me about his feelings. I support him choosing a relationship with you, but remember it has to stay private. For awhile."
You blushed at the last comment and quickly slipped your mask back on. "Thank you PD-nim." You mumbled and took hold of yoongi's short sleeve, allowing him to lead the way to the vehicle.
When you arrived back at the dorm you immediately went to your bedroom. "I have to call Ji-Woo, she's been texting me non stop since she sent me that video link. "
"We still need to talk about you and V." Suga said, dropping into the sofa in the living room.
"What about us?"
"The fact that there's an "us" when talking about him!"
"Maybe now you can actually be my real Hyung. Ow!" Suga smacked V upside the head, who had plopped next to him.
"Out of all the guys in the world, you know you'd rather me be with Taehyung oppa."
Suga grumbled and shot the boy a look, "he did protect you. Which I guess gives him an advantage."
"And he wouldn't hurt me. You know that, and he lives with all of us. He'd be killed six times over."
V smiled at you, "get some rest jagi." He busted out laughing when Yoongi smacked his arm again.
"Watch it Taehyung!"
You smiled, heading to your room to call Ji-Woo and get started on homework. At least something nice came from your horrible day.

Suga's Little Sister / BTS AU / Where stories live. Discover now