Morning After

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Taehyung POV:

Rolling over to his side, Taehyung buried his face against the pillows underneath him. I don't remember Namjoon Hyung buying us new pillows...They're so soft. Much softer than before. Taehyung was thinking as his body tried to wake up, but he pressed his face against the pillows and kept his eyes closed as he forced himself back into a deep sleep.
What is that now...? Taehyung stirred at the feeling of cold hands touching his shoulder and then his throat. "Yah!"
Taehyung jerked awake, being violently shaken awake. He peeked one eye open and noted that the perpetrator was Yoongi. "Hyung? Why are you in my room?" He groaned, closing his eyes back before attempting to bat the man away.

"I'm not in your room! Pabo! Get up!" Yoongi dragged Taehyung out of the bed just as he had turned to see Y/N sitting up, her expression startled, and she was was

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"I'm not in your room! Pabo! Get up!" Yoongi dragged Taehyung out of the bed just as he had turned to see Y/N sitting up, her expression startled, and she was was....naked! Naked except his button up shirt that was three Times to long on her!
"Hyung!" Taehyung yelled as he was dragged, completely naked, out of y/n's room and right into the view of where everyone else was at the kitchen table.
"Oppa!" Taehyung heard y/n screech as she darted out her bedroom, only having time to button the bottom three buttons and clutching the top to conceal her body.
"What the-!" Jimin choked.
"Why are you in Y/N's room-!" JHope started to yell until Jungkook cut in.
"Why is he naked?!"
Taehyung now stood in front of his Hyungs, Jungkook, and Y/N, completely naked, only having his hands to cover himself.
"What do you think you're doing?! She's a child!" Yoongi started yelling at Taehyung.
"H-hyung I-" Taehyung was trying to speak until he was cut off by Y/N.
"I'm 18 in America! Thats an adult and completely legal!"
"This is not America! You're in Korea! In Korea you follow korean law! We follow American laws when we are there!"
"Oh yeah? How so!?" Y/n was clutching Taehyung's shirt close as she started yelling at her brother.
"Like Jungkook can drink here! But not in America! He doesn't drink in America!"
All of a sudden, y/n's anger became to much as she started yelling back in English. Yoongi's example setting her off, "that mess is a load of balogna! Jungkook drinks in America! That's just for the cameras! Last time we was up in America, Jungkook drank champagne as soon as them cameras was turned off! Don't try me Yoongi!" She yelled, her old Georgia accent thick in her words.
Jungkook perked up at the mention of his name, he knew you were talking about him but had no idea what was being said. "Hyung what she say about me?" He whispered to namjoon, who sat staring at the sight before him.
"Hush Jungkook!" He whispered angrily back.
"Namjoon-Ah! What did she say?!" Yoongi yelled staring daggers at the man.
"Shit..." Namjoon translated quickly to his hyung, fumbling a bit as your accent was hard to decipher and your way of speaking was a bit confusing. "Not sure was bologna has anything to do with this though...."
"Why am I apart of this?!" Jungkook asked in astonishment.
"Don't get an attitude with me! I'm still your Oppa! Where are you going!?" Yoongi snapped at Taehyung who had tried to sneak off.
"Clothes..." Jin threw a dish towel at the boy. Blushing he covered his groin with the towel awkwardly.
"You stay right there!" Yoongi yelled before turning his attention back to y/n. "I don't care! You do as I say! And I say you and Taehyung are not doing any of that! Especially when you're a minor!"
"I'm grown!" Y/n yelled again, far to angry to even consider speaking in korean, her brain unable to translate the words at the moment. "I have half a mind to Go back in there and do it again just cause your being so ornery!"
Yoongi's head turned once again to namjoon for a translation, "why am I roped into this?!"
"You speak English! Translate!"
Namjoon groaned "I'm not sure! She's speaking with an accent and using colloquialisms!"
"Ya! You know what I said namjoon!" Y/n yelled before pointing to Taehyung "my room now! Paliwaeyo! Come butter my biscuit!"
Everyone caught part of that sentence as Taehyung shook his free hand. He understood exactly what THAT phrase meant as you'd said it last night to tease him. "Y/n! Not! Not!"
"No!" Namjoon yelled.
"No!" Taehyung yelled, his face flustered.
"Why are we buttering biscuits?!" Namjoon yelled, her didn't get it.
"I already made biscuits!" Jin yelled, the mention of food giving him his cue to try and diffuse the situation.
It went on like these endlessly. Y/n and Yoongi yelling at each other, namjoon forced to translate everything y/n said. Five minutes in y/n threw her hands up in the air. "You working on my last nerve yoongi! I swear to God I'm Fixin' to get real ugly!"
"I don't know!" Namjoon shouted. "That made no sense to me!"
"Y/n! Go put some clothes on!" Yoongi shouted, when the girl's hands left the shirt, it opened up to reveal her bare heat, stomach, and...HICKEYS?! "Taehyung! I'm going to kill you!"
"Hey! Don't threaten him!" You yelled but namjoon didn't bother to translate this time because yoongi was already yelling.
"I have no idea what you're saying! But I said to put some clothes on! You want everyone to see you?! It's bad enough he did!"
"He did more than see it!" Yoongi caught that one.
"Clothes! Now! You too! Clothes! Everyone get dressed!" Yoongi yelled even though y/n and Taehyung were the only naked ones.
Y/n screamed, storming back into her bedroom before slamming the door to get dressed.
"What is going on?!" Jungkook finally yelled.
Jin smacked Jungkook upside the head, "shut up!" He hissed as namjoon and yoongi pounced first.
It only took a moment for Jungkook to finally understand, "my dongsang?!"
"Y/n?!" Jimin yelled. "You corrupted our innocent dongsang?!"
"Hyungs!" Was all Taehyung got out before he was being chased to his bedroom by six angry BTS members. Each of them wailing on him, worst of all was Jin. Jin has still been preparing breakfast during the whole fight and had a whisk in his hand as he wailed on Taehyung's bare behind.

Y/n point of view

You changed into a pair of sweats and buttoned up taehyung's shirt all the way in you. Not caring it came down to your knees as you darted back out your room.
You couldn't believe you and Taehyung fell asleep like that! And yoongi! He went crazy!
You came out to find everyone back at the table eating breakfast in silence. Taehyung walked to the table from his room with a limp and you walked over to him "Oppa-ya? What's wrong?"
"The Hyungs beat me." He groaned.
"What?! I don't see any marks!" You lifted up his arm as he shook his head.
"Ani. They made sure not to mark where fans could see.." he lifted his shirt to reveal red handprints across his chest and back, some of which were going to bruise.
"That's not even the worst of it. Jin hyung got my butt with a whisk."
"Breakfast!" Jin yelled at the sight of you standing in your toes to kiss Taehyung.
You huffed and stomped to the kitchen table and sat down, grabbing a plateful of eggs.
" and Taehyung...." Jungkook started to speak.
"Jeon Jungkook! Now is not the time!" Namjoon scolded.
"Yeah, me and Taehyung!" You said, but you were looking at Yoongi.
"Hush!" Jin hit the top of your head with a spatula. "We're all going to talk about this later. After breakfast."
"Aniyo. We can talk now. Taehyung Oppa and I had sex." Yoongi choked on his food, JHope spit out his orange juice, Taehyung was covering your mouth.
"What?! They saw you butt naked and me in only YOUR shirt. It's pretty obvious."
"I don't want to talk about this at the table!" Jin said.
"Taehyung-" Yoongis eyes grew dark again.
"I'm the one who came on to Taehyung Oppa. I seduced him." Again everyone was shocked.
"Y/n!" Jimin was dying.
"Did you use protection?!" Namjoon just asked bluntly.
Neither of you answered, "Jesus Christ! If you're two going to have sex at least use a condom!" Jin started to lecture. "I'll take you to the doctor to get onthe pill."
"No you not!" Yoongi shouted.
"Hyung! They are going to do it if you like it or not! They can at least be safe about it! Unless you want her pregnant!"
"She's a child! She shouldn't be doing anything anyways!"
"She's right about being an adult though hyung." JHope started. "She's an American. She's only been here two years. You can't expect her mentality to change."
"I've actually been legal two years according to my state laws," you said this in English.
"What you say?" Yoongi looked at you.
Namjoon translated. Again. "You better watch it! Your in thin ice!"
You couldn't help but roll your eyes and eat your eggs. "You have some serious ass Kissing in your future hyung." Jungkook smirked.
Taehyung turned a bright read before pushing his plate away from him "I'm going to do the laundry!"
"My studio has been getting messy." Suga said to himself.
"I'll clean it hyung!" With that Taehyung ran out the kitchen.
"Oppa! Don't be mean to him!" You huffed out, still heated from the argument.
"I'll do whatever I-"
"Breakfast!" Jin shoved a forkful of eggs into yoongi's mouth.
"Doctors tomorrow for you," namjoon pointed at you, his face stern.
"Yeah." You agreed easily, continuing your breakfast. Hopefully yoongi would cool down soon. When that happens, Jin and Namjoon would make you, him and Taehyung talk to each other. Hopefully in Korean.

A/N LeeLuvs is my main help for this chapter!!!

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