Breaking News

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You and Jisoo spent the rest of the day just talking to each other. Both of you sat in a corner booth in a diner, away from other customers.
"How far do you think you are?"
"Not even two months. I've only missed one period." You took a sip of your soda and pushed your fries around on your plate.
"Do you know how you are going to tell everyone?" You and Jisoo were talking in English at the diner, you weren't sitting near anyone, but you both were taking extra precautions not to be understood if anyone walked by.
"I think I will tell Jin first. He will be most level headed. He will help me figure out how to tell others."
"You should do one of those cute announcement for Taehyung. Like in those videos."
"That's for people who are sure the father won't flip. I don't know if Taehyung will be happy about this."
"He will be. It's with you. He loves you."
"But what about his image, Jisoo? We're going to have to go public about this. I can't hide the fact I'm pregnant forever. And we will have to tell who the father is. What is going to happen to him when the whole world knows?"
"The whole world will just have to accept it. It may take some time, and there may be some drama from it. But in the end, ARMY is always supportive of the boys, and they will love and accept you and the baby too." She reached out and took your hands in hers in a comforting gesture.
"Thank you Jisoo." You watched as her fingers stroked your hand, attempting to calm your nerves.
"At least bighit was planning on moving to a bigger dorm anyways." 
"You'll probably be due in December. What are the chances the baby will share a birthday with Taehyung or Jin?"
You laughed, "Not likely for Taehyung. I'd probably be due late November or early December. It's April now and I think I'm a month along. I think I got pregnant while we were in Russia. I don't know how I'm even going to tell Jin to be honest. How do you tell someone that? They are all going to be so mad at me."
Jisoo made an noise of irritation, making you look up at her, "All of those guys love you very much Y/N, they aren't going to be mad at you. I'm sure they will be shocked at first, but in the end they will be happy."
"You think? The Managers though..."
"Will have to deal with it. They will come around eventually too. Let's finish eating before we go back to the dorm."
After you two finished eating, your driver took Jisoo home before taking you back to the dorm. The man helped you out of your seat, setting up your crutches for you so you make your way back into the building.
"How was your day out?" Namjoon asked when he saw you escorted in through the door by your driver.
"Good, is Jin-Oppa around?"
Namjoon looked up from his sandwich with concern, he knew you always went to Jin when you needed to talk about something important. "No. He is at the studio doing vocal lessons. Do you need to talk about something?"
"Oh. I can wait until he comes back."
"Y/N, you can talk to me about anything too you know. You look like something is bothering you, please talk to me."
You shifted around on your foot, your crutches tapping against the floor as you moved them around. "Can we go to your office?"
"Sure," he rose to his feet, abandoning his food and helping you to his office. He was actually happy you were willing to talk to him, you rarely talked to anyone but Jin about important things. So it was a bit of an honor that you were willing to talk to Namjoon about whatever it was on your mind.
Once you were in his office, he helped you sit down on the small futon he had set up in there, taking your crutches and sitting them against the wall. "Thanks," you still had your purse in your hands, fidgeting with the straps as Namjoon sat at his desk chair and pulled it so he was sitting in front of you.
"Are you sure you are okay? You look like you are going to be sick."
"Might wanna get used to that."
"You promise you won't get mad?"
"I couldn't be mad at anything you have to tell me Y/N, please tell me what is going on."
Your fingers still played with the straps of your purse until you reached in and pulled out the three pink capped sticks from earlier that day and stuck them out in front of you.
"What is this?" Namjoon took the items from your hand "Are these pregnan-" Namjoon choked on his words, dropping the tests in his lap. "Are you-?!"
"I had thought it since everyone got back from Russia, I was late on my period. So Jisoo bought them for me today and all three..."
Namjoon bent over and picked up the tests, handing them back to you and you held them tight in your hands. "Is Jisoo the only one who knows?"
"Neh. I haven't told anyone else. I don't know what to do Namjoon-Oppa, how am I going to tell Taehyung and Yoongi?"
"Don't worry. I'm right here, okay? I will help you tell them if you need me to." Namjoon moved in, putting his hands against your arms and rubbing them up and down. "It's going to be okay. You have six older brothers and Taehyung, we all love you so much Y/N. This won't change anything. We're all here for you."
You sat the tests aside and grabbed at Namjoon's hands, starting to cry from relief. "I thought you would be so mad. I was so scared. Namjoon I'm scared." You started crying in English, happy he could understand you.
He moved from his chair and sat next to you on the futon, bringing you into a hug, one of his hands running through your hair as the other rubbed circles in your back. "Shh. It's going to be okay. I'm not mad, none of us are going to be made at you. You have nothing to be afraid of."  You pressed your face into his chest, the sound of his breathing calming you, "I'm going to text Yoongi and Taehyung to come in and talk to you, is that okay? I won't tell them anything. I'll be right here with you when they come in though."
"Okay." You let Namjoon shift so he could take his phone from his pocket, sending a text to the two men before continuing to comfort you.
"We got your text, what's wrong?" Taehyung asked, coming in through the door right before Yoongi.
"Why is she crying?" Yoongi asked, disturbed at the sight of you crying against the leader.
"Both of you need to sit down." Taehyung sat on the other side of you, and Yoongi took Namjoon's desk chair.
"What is it?" Taehyung asked, leaning in, not noticing the tests that laid right by his hand as you hadn't put them back in your purse.
"Do you need me to say it?" Namjoon asked.
"I can do it," you mumbled softly, pulling away from Namjoon and sitting up. Not sure how to fade into it, you just decided to tell them. "I'm pregnant."
"You're-" Yoongi sat back, in total shock as you took the pregnancy tests into your hand, making Taehyung look down as your hand moved right beside him. You handed them to Yoongi.
"When, we haven't done anything since Russia."
"It was when we were in Russia, Taehyung."
"But I didn't cum!"
Namjoon facepalmed when Taehyung said that, "Taehyung-ah. You can still get pregnant from precum. You don't have to orgasm to get a girl pregnant."
"Jesus Christ Taehyung," Namjoon couldn't believe he was having to explain this to a 20 year old.
"Are you sure?" Yoongi asked you, he wasn't quite sure how he felt about this, but he understood you were feeling vulnerable so it wasn't the place to loose control of his emotions.
"All three of the tests are positive Oppa, I'm pretty sure."
"I'll call the doctor?" Taehyung asked, not sure what to say in this situation.
"Yoongi should do it, Y/N is still a minor so her guardian should call and set up an appointment with a Gynecologist."
"Yeah, I'll call right now. Maybe they can see you tomorrow?"
"Are you mad?" You asked your brother, still worried about his reaction.
"Of course not. Just worried about you. At least now I know why you've been so moody lately." He tried to joke, leaning in and kissing the top of your head. With that he left to find a number to call and make you an appointment.
"I'll call Bang-PD in a little bit to tell him what is going on. I don't think we need to discuss much until it's confirmed by a doctor, and if you are really pregnant then we will go from there. Yeah?"
"Yeah," you were still nervous, afraid of the managers reactions more than anything at this point.
"Don't worry. I'll help you every step of the way. Okay?" Namjoon asked.
Taehyung turned you to face him, b brining you into a hug. "Don't be scared. I love you Y/N. And I'll love our baby too."
Our baby, the words sounded nice coming from Taehyung.

About fifteen minutes later, Yoongi had an appointment for you tomorrow at 1 in the afternoon at a clinic. "They said they do an ultrasound, it is unlikely you got three false positives. So they will take your HCG levels and and do an ultrasound to see if there's a you..." he was awkward, but you found it cute.
"Why don't you go and rest now? I'll talk to the others about your news. Taehyung take her to bed?"
"Neh," Taehyung easily lifted you into his arms and carried you off to bed. "I love you Y/N."
"I love you too Taehyung."
"Get some rest." He said, tucking you into bed and stroking stray hairs from your face. "I'll come back in after I've talked to the others with Hyung. okay?"
He smiled, giving you once more kiss before leaving your room.

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