Out of the Waters

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You were made to stay in the hospital for another week after your C-Section. The doctors wanted to make sure you were doing okay and that your body was healing the way he wanted. You had been through a lot the last many weeks. After a week, Your new baby daughter Jina, was healthy enough to go home from the hospital with you. She was still so tiny, Barely over 4 pounds. taehyung and Suga had gone shopping the day after the babies were born to buy premie size clothes and diapers.
Jonghyun was doing better, but the doctors said they weren't out of the waters yet. He was still on a breathing machine and had to stay under a heat lamp and on a heated mattress pad. He was a pound smaller than his twin and so fragile looking.
On the day of yours and Jina's release, you were able to go see him for the first time. taehyung wheeled you to the NiCU as you were still too weak and Sore to be walking around.
The doctors took you to the little bed your baby boy was laying in. He was fast asleep, The doctors said that was normal for premie babies, as Jina slept a lot as well.
His body also made strange shutters and spasms, the first one scared you to death. The nurse explained that was normal as well, premature babies weren't used to or ready to use all their muscles and nerves, so sometimes their bodies moved to fast, resulting in the little spasms.
"My baby," you put your hand on the glass that surrounded his 'bed'. "You'll come home with us soon too. I promise."
Taehyung's hands rubbed your shoulders comfortingly as you looked upon your baby. You were terrified to move, to try and touch him. He was so small, so breakable.
"He's been eating the breast milk you pump for him very well. It's helping him get very strong." The nurse started speaking to you, trying to make you feel better. "Once he can breath on his own and he can keep his body warm by himself, he'll be able to come home. It may take a few weeks or a month, but he's going to be just fine."
You reached your hand into where he was sleeping, letting your fingers brush along his tiny body. "You hear that? He's going to be okay. Our baby boy is a fighter, just like Jonghyun sunbae."
You pulled your hand back, your lower lip quivering as Taehyung tried to console you as well. "Don't cry jagiya." taehyung turned your wheelchair so you were facing him. "We will visit him every day until he comes home with us. Bang PD isn't scheduling any concerts for now aside from a few In Seoul and fanmeets in Seoul. He wants to make sure I have time to care for you and to make sure we can both see baby Jonghyun."
You couldn't help but break down into tears right there. Taehyung got on his knees and hugged you close. "I'm sorry." You cried into his shoulder as he stroked your hair.
"Don't apologize," he whispered against your head. Kissing it softly before beginning to kiss your face. "It's okay to cry and be sad. Don't ever be sorry for that jagiya. Cry as much as you want. I'll be here for you to cry on. Always." You wrapped your arms around him, thankful for his support.
Taehyung let you cry like that for as long as you wanted. When you finally reduced yourself to small sniffles and little whines he pushed your hair back and smiled.
"See? It's okay."
You smiled weakly at your fiancée and nodded. "I love you."
"I love you more." He kissed your lips, then pulled back and rested his forehead against yours. "Are you ready to take Jina home?"
"Yeah." You whispered it.
Taehyung stood up and wheeled you back to the room you had been staying in for so long. Jina was In her car seat, the thing seemingly swallowed her whole. "She's so tiny in that thing." You said to yourself.
Namjoon was cooing over the sleeping baby when you and taehyung came in. He turned to see you two and stood, "You all set? Everyone is at the dorm waiting for us."
"Yeah. I packed all of y/n's things Into the van already."
"I'll carry Jina so you can wheel y/n
"Thank you hyung."
You leaned back in your chair, watching tHe tiny baby girl as Namjoon lifted the car seat and walked beside you and taehyung out the hospital.
There were many fans outside the hospital when you left. Thankfully they were all very respectful. They had their signs and cameras out, but no one tried to come near you three. Many were shouting congratulations and good wishes for everyone's health.
Taehyung waved with one hand, giving them him boxy grin. "Thank you army! We are doing very good! Baby Jina is coming home today and baby Jonghyun will come home soon too! Thank you for all your wishes and thoughts!"
You smiled as well, trying to feel grateful for all the fans love. Taehyung had told all of Army about you and the babies their first concert after you went into the hospital, and then on Twitter after the c-section. It was no surprise so many fans were worried about you and grateful for your health and the babies.
Taehyung helped you into the van, lifting you easily and then buckling you in. Namjoon put Jina In her seat as well, getting everyone and everything situated before taking the drivers seat.
You looked at the sleeping baby the whole drive back to the dorm. Your hands rested on your now flat stomach, wanting the feeling of your babies inside your stomach again, feeling a bit robbed as you should still be pregnant for another month.

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