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You had woke up in the hospital the next day, everyone by your side when you did. "What are you all doing?" You asked a bit groggy, sitting up in your bed.
Taehyung immediately came to your side to help you sit up, not wanting you to put a strain on your body at all. "We're at the hospital, do you remember?"
"A bit, I remember bleeding and Yoongi Oppa carrying me."
"The doctor said you lost a lot of blood, so you probably went into shock and won't remember alot of what happened."
"Is everything okay?"
"I think Namjoon-Hyung might need to tell you, there's alot of technical terms you probably need explained in English."
Namjoon came to your side now, grabbing your hand that wasn't hooked up to IVs, stroking your hand gently before speaking in English. "The Doctor said that the placenta for baby boy started to detach from your uterine wall. Its causing the oxygen and nutrient supply to him to be slow. He isn't getting as much as they want. It is called 'Placenta Abruption'," He said the word slowly, trying to make sure he pronounced it correctly. "They have you and both babies stabilized now, but they want you to stay at the hospital until it is time to give birth to the babies. He said its unlikely to get you to full term, but they are going to get you as far along as possible."
"Are they okay?"
"Baby girl is doing just fine, its just the baby boy they are worried about. They are going to do their best, but they said to be prepared if he doesn't make it."
"What do you mean?"
"The placenta can still detach all the way, and with him already getting not enough oxygen and nutrients, his development is not going to be what it should do. Even if he's makes it outside the womb, he will need a  lot of extra care at first in the NiCU and even then his survival isn't guaranteed."
"Why? Did I do something wrong? I did everything the doctors said, I was resting and eating good and-" Namjoon cut you off.
"You didn't do anything wrong y/n. This is apparently extremely uncommon, there isn't really any way to prevent it from happening. You didn't do anything."
You had started to cry into your hands, causing your heart rate and blood pressure to increase enough for the monitors to go off and a nurse to come in to check on you.
"What is going on in here?" She asked.
Namjoon was stroking your hair gently, trying to calm you down as Suga talked to the nurse who was fussing over your vitals. "She just found out about the babies, it upset her."
"She needs to calm down and get her vitals back to normal, this isn't good for the babies." She said a bit hard.
"I'm trying," Namjoon muttered to himself, put off at the nurse's tone.
You whimpered softly, burying your face into Namjoon's chest as he continued to try and soothe you. "We'll get her to calm down, we promise." Suga said, irritation lacing his voice.
The nurse walked out when your vitals were low enough to make the beeping noises stop. "It's okay. They'll be okay. You just have to be careful, and the doctors are all here to help you to make sure everyone stays safe." Namjoon was still talking to you in English cradling you the best he could in the awkwardly small bed, your left arm hooked up with IVs.

You spent the next six weeks in the hospital under constant watch. Doctors and Nurses were coming in and out of your room constantly to monitor your health and vitals as well as the babies and their growth. The baby girl was still perfectly healthy, growing at a normal rate, while the baby boy was still growing, but much slower than his sister.
You did everything you were told to, you never got out of bed unless it was to use the bathroom and you always had someone help you when you did. You ate everything that was given to you. You played music all day for your babies, and when the boys visited (Which was all the time, despite you telling them they still had work to do. They had even canceled all their shows outside of Seoul just to be near you), you made them all talk to the babies so they could hear everyone's voices. You'd cry when you could feel both of them moving, or see the baby boy moving on your ultrasounds.
At barely 31 weeks, just over 7 1/2 months, you woke up to the same pain you had felt the night you came to the hospital. You hit the nurse call button a hundred times in the middle of the night.
Your nurse had come in, checking your vitals and then calling for the doctor. The boys were called and they all came from their dorm to the hospital. By the time they had gotten there, you were already in a delivery room. Your baby boy's placenta had detached completely and you were taken straight away for  a C-section.
Taehyung and Yoongi were allowed to wash up and dress in scrubs to be in the room with you as they were your finacee/father of the child, and your brother. The others were made to wait.
After what felt like hours to everyone, the doctor came out still covered in blood. "Everyone is okay, both babies have been taken to the NiCU for observation. The baby girl is exactly 4 pounds and the baby boy is 3 pounds and three ounces," (A/N I know they'd use another metric system, but I don't know conversions that well).
"What abaout Y/N?" JHope asked the doctor.
"She's being closed up right now, and then she'll be taken to her room, she is very tired from the surgery. "
"And the babies?" Jungkook asked.
"The baby girl looks much better than the baby boy. he's much smaller due to the detached placenta from the past 5 1/2 weeks. Both babies are being put under heating lamps and pads to keep their bodies warm. The baby boy isn't able to breath on his own yet, so we are putting him on a breathing machine until his lungs developed further."
"Is he going to be okay?" Jin.
"we won't know for sure for a while." With that, the doctor left to go back to attending you. Taehyung and Suga came in a few minutes later, already cleaned and redressed.
"She's sleeping now," Yoongi said, sitting down in a chair.
"I have to go sign some papers, they want me to do the birth certificates right away, just in case..." Taehyung trailed off. "We already talked about names, so y/n won't be mad about that." He tried to laugh, but it came out as a hard breath.
"It'll be okay Tae." Jimin assured his friend.
"I hope so." He said to himself before walking out. He was thankful you two had already picked out names, so he didn't have to think to much when he wrote 'Kim Jonghyun' and 'Kim Jina'.
When the paper work was all filled out, he went to your room and laid in the provided bed the nurse had brought in for him, pushed as close to your bed as possible. He laid in the bed and held your hand as you slept. Watching you and silently praying in his head as the others crowded in and all sat/laid in various places of the room.

Suga's Little Sister / BTS AU / Where stories live. Discover now