Hair Cut

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"AHH! Suga's sister is so cute!" Jin said in exasperation, he was currently speaking to the MC of a variety show that he and a few other members were guest starring in.

"Omo? What sorts of things make her cute?" The male MC asked.

"AHH! Her Korean is getting very good now! She is a very fast learner, but she tries very hard to speak with a standard accent, but she is very bad at that. Her American accent is very prominent and she pronounces some syllables incorrectly. She gets very flustered at this and will put her hands into little fists and press them to her cheeks like this," Jin curled his hands up so that they were two fists before pressing them against his face, making his cheeks flatten out but also push them upwards. "and go "OMO! I'm sorry, sorry!" And we all think it so cute. Y/N Has lots of Aeygo, and its all natural. She is just that cute!"

"Oh really?"

"Ne!" V piped in "Y/N is like a puppy. She is so cute, whenever she wants Suga Hyung to do something she will come running in, and she runs like this," he stood up and put his hands by his side, his fingers stretching out before he ran with his heels off the ground, before sitting back down, everyone laughing. "She will run in and either cuddle up to Suga Hyung's side, or plop down next to him, and she always grabs his arm and tugs at his sleeve and she will go "ohhh, Oppa! Saranghae Oppa!" And we all know that is when she wants something!"

"Don't you think Y/N will get mad you telling all her secrets?" The female MC asked, laughing at V's imitation of the young girl.

"Yah! She will, but she is so cute when she is mad. She will puff her checks out, looking up at one us because she is so small! and go "Oh! Oppa! Stop that!"

"Ahh!" Jungkook, the third member that came to the variety show today. "Y/N is also very into K-pop, she says she listened to us before learning Suga Hyung was her brother. And she listens to many groups, one of her favorites is Red Velvet and she dances to their songs alot. I knocked on her door the other night, it was open so I came in to say goodnight to her and she was standing in front of her laptop dancing along with "ice cream cake", and she sees me and just stops and bows so fast. "Jungkook Oppa! I did not see you!" all red in the face. And I said "no no! Y/N is so cute! You dance so good!" She dances before bed all the time, she says it gets her energy out and she can sleep easier. Sometimes she makes Suga Hyung dance with her and it is so funny because she always does girl group dances, and he is so awkward about it, but he is a good Oppa."

"Ah! Yes, I had her on Eat Jin last week and we talked alot about music because the viewers wanted to know her favorite bands. Red Velvet and Girls Generation she said are her favorite girl groups. She said BTS is number one though!"

"No she didn't!" Jungkook laughed.

"Oh!?" The female MC said.

"She said BTS is very good, but she cannot say they are her favorite anymore because it is biased for her to say that when her Oppas are the members. She says her new favorite boy group is Bigbang. "

"AH! But I know BTS is her favorite, and I am her favorite!" Jin said.

"Ah! Jin Hyung is so conceited." V laughed at his Hyung.

"You go on about how adorable your dong-seang is, does she get into any trouble, or are all her Oppas to sweet to punish her?" The female MC asked.

"Ahh!" Jin sat back in his seat, "she is very well behaved! Sometimes she doesn't like to do her chores and Suga-ah will have to scold her "Y/N-ah, you do your chores right now!" It is funny to see Suga-ah trying to be serious with her, because he is such a doting Oppa."

The boys went on for this for about fifteen minutes, just gushing over how adorable you were and the cute things you said and did.  After the segment was over, the three males exited the building where you were waiting.

"y/n-ah! What are you doing here?"

"Ohh, school let out and Suga Oppa said you were in interview. Ohh, I thought I'd come stop here on my way to the dorm and walk back with oppas!" You smiled and then pulled out some sweet cakes "oh! I stopped by the market and got cakes for Oppas!" You handed them the sweets you had bought and they all gushed over it.

"Ahh! Y/N is so sweet! So thoughtful!" Jin was crooning as Jungkook shoved the cake into his mouth.

"Ah! But you also cut off all your hair!" V said in exasperation, the other two finally looked at you after the initial shock of your appearance.

"Y/N-ah! Suga Hyung is going to be very upset!" Jungkook blinked, your hair had been far past your shoulders, but now it had been chopped off to curl underneath of your chin.

"Omo! But it is cute! Girls in class have hair like this!" You pouted.

"Ahh! It is cute but Suga-ah-" Jin started to speak

"He will like it!" You interrupted

"Eh! Don't cut my words off!" He said sternly but then shook his head, "He will."

You smiled once again, not fighting it when Jungkook slung you around and then hoisted you onto his back. "How was school Y/N-ah?" He asked trotting down the sidewalk.

"Ohh, good. History exam, I did good I think. New art ohhh," you made this small sound everytime you started a new sentence or were thinking of a word because you were trying to remember the correct words. "assignment in art today."

V beamed, he loved those cute little sounds that you made, the whole group did, thinking it was adorable beyond belief because when you made the sound her lips would purse slightly, and if your hands were free you would normally hold a finger to your lips in thought.  "Oh? What is your new assignment in art?"

"Ohh, I don't know word. 'pottery'," you said it in English before trying to describe it in Korean "soft. ohhh, clay."

"Pottery?" Jungkook asked.


After about five more minutes you reached the dorm and you hopped down from Jungkook's back and walked in behind the boys, slipping your shoes off and leaving them by the door. "We're back!" V sang out. "y/n is with us!" you went straight to the kitchen to make yourself something small to eat.

"Omo!" Jimin said seeing you "y/n cut her hair!" He exclaimed, making J-hope, Suga, and Rapmonster pop in.

"Oh cute!" J-hope exclaimed.

Rapmonster nodded while Suga looked at you in shock "Y/n, why you cut your hair like this?"

"Ohh, Oppa! Girls in class hair look like this, I wanted to have hair like them!"

"You don't have to look like others you know?"

"Ohh, I know. I like it though! Does Oppa not like it?"

Suga shook his head quickly, "I like it very much! Just very different!"

You smiled and bit into your carrot "Ohh! Good! Different is good, I look cute, yes?"

"Yes!" Jungkook said a little to happy, making Suga glance over at him.

Grabbing your snack you smiled, "I have homework. Come get me when dinner is done?"

"Okay, go get your work done," Suga agreed, sending you off to your bedroom to get started on your work.

Suga's Little Sister / BTS AU / Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang