Two lines

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It had been a week since the official Russian vacation ended and everyone was back at the dorm. It had also been a little over month since Yoongi had caught you and Taehyung in the act, so it was almost mid-April now and you still had a few days to go before you could start walking around on your feet again. Yoongi had also started to work on your nerves more than usual; even Taehyung was annoying you abit.
They both were hovering over you to make sure you were okay, that you were eating and taking your pain medicine. It was driving you crazy.
You were going stir crazy and needed to get out. Which is why you thanked anyone who was listening when you convinced Yoongi to let Jisoo come pick you up to hang out.
"Hey! How are you?! I missed you so much!" She Hugged your neck when she came into your room.
"Hey! I missed you too!"
"Are you okay? How is your ankle?"
"It's better. I can't walk on it for another two weeks. But I've got crutches to get around."
"Are you ready to go out?"
"Yeah. Yoongi said we could have the car for the day. He hired someone to drive for us."
"Where did you want to go first?"
"I actually need to go to the store. I need to buy some things I don't want yoongi or taehyung buying for me."
"I see," jisoo nodded, figuring you meant tampons or pads.
"Help me up?"
"Sure," jisoo grabbed your hands and helped pull you up as you swung your feet over the bed.
She handed you your crutches and helped you situate them right. "Thanks."
"Of course."
You two headed out your bedroom, jisoo having to make sure she didn't walk to fast.
"Be careful please." Yoongi called as jisoo helped you out the front door.
"We will!" Jisoo promised as she ushered you out. "He is so caring!"
"And overbearing." You said this in English, not sure of the korean word.
"What is that?" Jisoo asked for a definition as the driver helped you into the car.
"It means he is always around. Always asking me questions and making sure I am eating and taking medicine. Giving me no time to be alone."
"Oh. He just loves y/n."
"I hope so," you said this to yourself as the driver took off towards the supermarket.
Once you got to the supermarket Jisoo immediately ran to the isle with the plushies. You followed her, grinning as she picked up every stuffed elephant and gushed over it.
"Aren't they so cute y/n?!"
You laughed and took one off the shelf "I'll buy you one of every elephant in here if you promise to keep secret what I'm about to ask you to go buy."
"I'll do anything For these plush elephants. And aren't you just buying pads?"
"Kind of the exact opposite. I need pregnancy tests."
"I cant buy them myself. To many army's and people who know who I am. Please jisoo?" You took out your credit card and put it in her hands. "Get as many elephants as you want. I need this favor."
"Of course. You're my best friend." She smiled and took off to the needed isle. And you ran off to wait for her in the bathroom.
About twenty minutes later and both of you were standing together staring at the three pregnancy tests together.
"Two lines right?" You asked your friend, not taking your eyes from the three sticks on the sink.
"Two lines."
"On all three?"


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