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Once you reached the hospital, you were feeling amazing from whatever the EMT person had given you. You were pushed into the hospital with Taehyung trailing behind.
Once in the hospital room, you were left to wait for a nurse to come and talk to you. Taehyung sat beside your bed and took your hand in his, turning it over as he sulked. "I'm so sorry jagi."
"Ahhh! Taehyung-Ah! Do not be so sad! I am okay." You spoke informally to him, leaning your body towards him with a grin on your face.
"yaaa. Speak formally!" He chuckled at how cute you were "Those EMT guys must've given you some strong pain medicine."
He pushed you back to a laying position as a nurse came in to heck your vitals and ask you the normal consultation questions. "I'm Sasha and I'll be your nurse today. Can you confirm your name and date of birth please?" She asked In English, Thank the lord that many people in the touristy areas of Russia spoke English.
"Min y/n. 2/19/1999. Is my brother here?"
"No one else has come asking for you yet. If he comes I'll make sure he comes to your room. How are you feeling right now."
"Great." You were hooked up to an Iv drop and to a morphine drip by now, and you were feeling it.
"That's the medicine," she smiled making sure the iv tubes looks good. "Can you tell me your height and weight?"
"Oh.....I'm 147cm and 54.5kg."
"And can you tell me how you injured yourself?"
"My boyfriend and I were ice skating when I lost my balance. My ankle gave out underneath of me and I couldn't stand back up. Is it broken?"
"We won't know that until the doctor comes in an takes a look at it and then has it xrayed. For now I need you to just lay back and rest." She gently pushed you back into a laying position. "The medicine will make you very disoriented and maybe even tired. I will be back to check in on you, but if you need anything just hit the call button on your remote."
"Thank you," you nodded your head, but instead of nodding your head sort of bobbled around.
"Thank you." Taehyung repeated you despite not understanding more than half the words being spoken.
After the nurse left, you did your best to translate the information to him, but with your state of mind going thanks to the morphine really kicking in now, it was hard for you to concentrate. "It is okay. I will just wait for Namjoon hyung, he can help me understand what's happening. You just relax and wait for the doctor."
"I'sorry," your words began to slur together in English as you played with his fingers with your hand.
"It's okay, hush." he used his free hand to brush your hair behind your ear as your doctor came back in with six boys rushing in behind her.
"What did you do to my little sister!" Suga was freaking out at the sight of you, in a hospital bed with your leg secured so it couldn't move, your arm hooked up to two IV drips, one with saline and the other with morphine, and your head moving around lazily.
"Don' get your panties in'a twist." You mumbled in English, unable to concentrate anymore to speak Korean.
"I don't know, some weird saying again." Namjoon answered before Suga could ask.
"If you could all have a seat somewhere please," The doctor spoke so Namjoon instructed everyone to sit down.
"How are you feeling right now?" Your doctor asked you.
He smiled, "That's the medicine. Are you feeling any pain at the moment?"
"That's good. Can you move your foot?" You wiggled your foot to the side a little, concentrating on the movement. "There's some movement, as well as some swelling and brusing. I don't think you broke your ankle. But it could have still fractured, so I will order an X-ray for you to see. If there isn't a fracture then it's just a sprained ankle. Once we figure out what it is, we will go from there." Namjoon had quietly been translating to the other boys as the doctor spoke when he turned to the seven of them, for Taehyung had moved to listen to Namjoon. "Who is her guardian?"
"I am brother," Suga stood when Namjoon spoke to him.
"I am going to have an X-ray technician come in, in about five minutes to take her down to get X-rays and get a picture of her ankle. I will be able to see if it's a fracture, or a sprain."
Namjoon had to come to his side and translate to Suga, "Oh okay. Thank you," Suga gave a habitual bow to the doctor.
"If she needs anything, find a nurse and they will help her. I will be back after the X-rays come through to talk about her injury and the healing process."
Again, Namjoon translated quickly, "Yes. Thank you."
At that, the doctor left and you were all left alone in the room.
"What happened? How did she get hurt? What were you two doing?" Suga began to ask frantically. "AND HOW DARE YOU HANG UP ON ME KIM TAEHYUN-Ow!"
Jin had smacked Yoongi's on the back of his head, "Calm down Min Yoongi!"
"She's got a fractured ankle as the worst case scenario Hyung, she isn't going to die. Accidents happen." Namjoon started to lecture Yoongi for overreacting.
"Ah! My little dongsang is an invalid now!" Jimin flung himself on your bed.
"Stop it Jimin!" Jin grabbed the boy by the back of his shirt and pulled him away from you.
"Excuse me?" A man walked in with a wheelchair. "I'm here to take min y/n to X-rays."
"Yes," namjoon spoke, shooting Jimin a dirty look for causing such a scene, a look that said 'you are going to get it later'.
The man came over and unscrewed the tubes from your arm before he lifted you out of the bed bridal style with ease, sitting you in the chair and situating you so your injured ankle wouldn't have any stress put on it. "Ready?"
"Oh. Yes. Neh." You were trying your best to speak.
Smiling, he pushed you out the door, "We will be back soon." He called to all the boys. "You have alot of family?"
"Brother and Boyfriend. Others are members of Band."
"You are in a band?"
"Brother is."
"I see," He kept this up, trying to give small talk, but it was difficult for you to concentrate on speaking for a long time thanks to the morphine.
"Let's get you that X-ray." He put you in a horizontal X-ray machine "You need to stay very still for this, alright."
"Okay." With that, he walked out of the room and the machine made a loud whirring noise as it began to take pictures of your ankle.
It only took a few minutes for the X-rays to be taken, and you were being brought back to your room. And only about ten minutes after that, the doctor came back in. "She has a Grade II Sprain. It isn't a severe Grade II, so it won't take the full 6-8 weeks to heal. She needs to stay off of her foot for at least 3 weeks, and it will take another week or two after that for her to be fully healed. I will wrap her ankle up so that it is has some support. If it gets dirty, just wrap her ankle up in some new ACE bandages. She will be back to normal in less than two months." The doctor was explaining to Namjoon at this point, as he had picked up on the fact he was the only one able to fully understand his English.
"Thank you very much."
"I will have my nurse bring in her discharge papers, and then you are free to go."
"Thank you," the doctor came over to you and began to wrap your ankle up with Namjoon telling the others everything the doctor said about your ankle and how to treat it.
After the doctor left, and the nurse came in with your papers, you were placed back into a wheelchair and taken out to the vehicle the boys had driven in. At this point you had fallen asleep, the medicine finally knocking you out as you sat with your head against Taehyung's shoulder as you slept soundly.

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