Doctor Visit

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Once your eight week appointment rolled around, you had gotten a little baby bump by now. You had always been a tiny person, so when you had two little babies inside of you, it didn't take long for a bump to appear.
"So cute," taehyung came up behind you, wrapping his hands around your waist and rubbing his hands over the bump that was your stomach.
"Oppa-ya." You let out a small giggle as he swayed you from side to side.
"Are you ready for your appointment?"
"Yeah. After i signed us up for a parenting class to attend. Is that okay?"
"Of course. I want to learn all I can for our babies."
You smiled, pulling away from his gold as you walked to the door. "Are you driving or did you get a driver?"
"Driver," taehyung answered, as he bent down onto his knees and helped you out your shoes on.
"I can still put on my shoes taehyung-Oppa."
"I know. But I want to do it for you." He kissed your knee that poked out from under your dress as he slipped your flats onto your feet.
He stood back to his feet his with hands running up your thighs slowly. "Taehyung-Ah." The whine left your lips without intention as he wrapped you in his arms again.
"Let's get going? I'm ready to see our babies." He grinned, lifting a hand to rest under your chin. His fingers pushed gently, tilting your head upwards before landing a gentle kiss to your lips.
"Okay," you smiled, your eyes fluttering hazily as he guided you out the door.
The whole ride to the doctors, you and taehyung cuddled in the backseat, your head against his chest as he rubbed circles over your stomach.
Once at the doctors, taehyung had covered your face with large scarf he brought along and covered his face with a mask, making sure no one around could spot you and take to many photos.
Inside the office he took off your scarf and put it in your purse, taking off his mask before he went to the front desk and checked you in,
It was only a few minutes before you were brought into the back office to see your doctor. "How are you feeling today miss Min?"
"Good, I've been naseous and threw up my breakfast."
"That's completely normal. You'll have morning sickness for awhile. Are you having any other symptoms?"
"Oh. My breasts are been hurting. And I pee all the time."
Your doctor smiled, "thats normal for your pregnancy. You've nothing to worry about. Any bleeding?"
"Good. And I can see you've begun to show already. Both your babies are about the size of kidney beans now. I'm going to do an ultrasound to see if they are growing normally."
"Okay," you laid down on the exam table and raised your dress above your stomach.
Taehyung came to your side, watching as the doctor poured gel onto your stomach and spread it out with the wand before he started to look for the babies.
He would move the wand around for a moment before he hit a button in his computer, taking screenshots of the images that appeared.
After a couple of minutes he paused his movements to point at the screen, "there they are." He pointed to the screen.

You turned to look at Taehyung, who was grinning from ear to ear as he stared at the screen

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You turned to look at Taehyung, who was grinning from ear to ear as he stared at the screen.
They had defiantly gotten bigger, instead of two circular looking blobs they were longer and more oval shaped. They still didn't look like anything in particular, but you knew that those were your babies. Your's and Taehyung's babies.
"In about two months we'll be able to tell what they are. Are you interested in knowing the genders."
"Yes," taehyung answered for you two.
"But we want it written down and sealed. Our brothers," You called all bts your brothers now, "some of them are throwing baby party. To tell us what babies are."
"Gender reveal." Taehyung said as you weren't able to say the words in Korean.
"Alright. I'll make a note of that. When you come for that appointment, remind my nurse and I, and we'll make sure to do just that. Did you two have any questions?"
"They are healthy?" You asked as taehyung used a rag the doctor had to clean your stomach up.
"Very. They are growing just as they should be."
Taehyung helped you to your feet, "when should I come again?"
"I want to see you every two weeks instead of once a month, since you're young I want to be safer. If you go to the front desk like last time they'll set you right up."
"Thank you," taehyung told the doctor as he took you hand and walked you to the front desk.
After your next appointment was made, you and taehyung went to your first parenting class. It was really just an introduction for the class and went over broadly what kinds of things you'd be learning about.
After you made him stop and get you mcdonalds. Pouting until he had agreed to buy you the desired food.
"I love you."
"Are you talking to me or the fries?" Tae asked.
"The fries."
"I thought so." You both laughed as you stuck a fry into his mouth.
"I'm really happy Oppa."
"Me too." He buried his face into your neck as you rode back to the dorms.
"Jimin already has a whole Pinterest board made with Jin for the baby party."
"I bet. Jin wants to do Disney themed."
"Jimin wants to do Harry Potter." You giggled softly, thinking of how much the two had been arguing over it.
"I think Disney would be better.."
"I told them that. So Jin won the battle. I told jimin he could do a Harry Potter baby bath though."
"You mean baby SHOWER?" You blushed at the mistake in words, which just made taehyung laugh. "You're so cute." He kissed you just as you stuck a nugget in between your lips, prompting him to steal it as he kissed you.
"Oppa!" You pouted, scrunching your nose at the man.
He just grinned and pulled out against him happily.

Suga's Little Sister / BTS AU / Where stories live. Discover now