Boyfriend part 1

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In January of 2017 there was a valentine dance coming up next month at the school you'd been attending, and you hadn't much thought about attending it, who would take you anyways? Which is why you answered "No," when you're classmate and friend Jiwoo asked if you were going to said dance next month.
"Why no?" She asked in her funny English accent, attending an English school was nice for you because your Korean was still not good enough to attend a school that only spoke the language. But it was also strange at times, because the classes were still usually taught in Korean and English, not to mention many of your classmates spoke  English as well as you spoke Korean, making you some what of an oddity. Oddity or not, you were still one of the most popular students. You were American, spoke perfect English, could tutor other students int he language, and you Were BTS' Suga's little sister, which made it all the more surprising that no one had asked you to go to the dance with them.
"No one's asked me to go with them, that's why. And I'm not going stag."
"Sorry...It means alone, without a date. Its an old slang word, not many Americans use it anymore."
"Oh, you know a lot of words Y/N! You're so smart, pretty, and funny! Someone will ask you!" Jiwoo took a piece of candy that was sitting on the table you two were sitting at in the clasroom you two were occupying. "Maybe." You smiled, opening your textbook, "but for now we need to study for this science test. If I come home with bad marks again Yoongi-Oppa will kill me." You laughed.Jiwoo couldn't help but swoon slightly, all of the girls in your school loved BTS and many of the girls wanted to be your friend for that reason alone. You had to learn that lesson the hard way.
When you had first started coming to school in South Korea, every girl you talked to in class wanted to be your friend. You had been ecstatic that so many people liked you and wanted to be your friend, that you didn't see any malice behind their kindness.
It wasn't until many girls started asking for study sessions at the BTS dorm, asking to meet your Oppas, and even going so far as to saying if you were a real friend then you wouldn't be hesitant to allow them access to your newfound family. When you had finally broke and said no, they couldn't meet them, no they couldn't have study sessions at the dorm (the managers would never allow it anyways. It was to risky to have half dozen to a dozen teenage girls with cameras and phones lounging in the dormitory), that you realized they weren't friends at all. Over half the girls in your class after that had stopped talking to you, stopped asking for you to sit with them at lunch, stopped replying to your texts, and they started forgetting to tell you when study sessions were planned.
Jiwoo, as well as a handful of other girls, had been different though. They never asked to come over to your place, didn't ask about the guys, they were genuinely interested in you, and in being your friend. You couldn't help but smile at your friend as she put her head in her hands, "It must be nice living with all of BTS." She said dreamily.
"It was a dream when I first moved in, now I guess I'm used to it? And it just feels like having seven annoying older brothers." You laughed at your own comment before tapping the textbook, "Now for real, we need to study."
"Alright, alright."
After the hour was up and the bell rang out to signal the end of the school day, you packed your backpack up, "I'll see you tomorrow Jiwoo, don't forget to email me your powerpoint slides for our English project. Minho has already sent me his, so I can put the whole thing together and edit it before it's due."
"Yes Boss," She laughed giving you a hug goodbye.
"I mean it Jiwoo!" You laughed, watching your friend retreat from the classroom.
Shaking your head you grabbed your phone and tucked it into your jeans before leaving the room as well.
You made it to the fountain that day in the middle of the schools campus when you saw Ji-Yong wave at you...wait he waved at you?
Ji-Yong was a grade above you and was known as the school's bad boy. He was seemingly only labeled that because he always had his had dyed some sort of pastel color, and he only seemed to own black pants, white tees, one leather jacket, and gold colored chain necklaces. "Y/N-Ah!"
Y/n-Ah? Sure you were younger than Ji-Yong, but even you knew that the small syllable after your name was reserved for those close to you. Why was he speaking you so casually?
"Ji-Yong-Ssi." You bowed when you were closer to him.
"How are you?"
"I'm well, how are you?"
"Good, glad schools over for today." He glades a grin down at you.
"Is there something I can do for you? You never really talked to me before..."
"Ah yes. Is it okay if I walk you home today?"
You blushed at the question, pulling your purse close to you and fiddling with the strap, a habit when you were flustered. "Oh, I can't bring people to the home."
"That's okay, there is a park across the street from your place. I can walk you to there, yes?"
"Sure," you were still in shock that Ji-Yong was talking to you, and now offering to walk you, basically, home.
" it okay if we go to speaking Korean now? I still have hard time sometimes."
"Oh...Ne. My korean is still not good though...sorry."
Ji-Yong gave another boxy from when you started speaking Korean. "I've never heard you speak Korean before. You sound very cute...fitting though."
"Oh. Thank you."
You two walked beside each other down the sidewalks that lead to the dorms. "Do you have a date to the dance yet?"
"Oh. No I don't. I told Jiwoo-Ah I was not go?" You blushed as you spoke, conjugating was still your weak spot.
Ji-Yong laughed at your flustered appearance. "Going. Y/N-Ah really is cute, I thought the mistakes in your speech was for the cameras."
"Yeah, I've seen the interviews you've done.." he admitted a bit bashful. "But I'm glad it isn't fake. It's very cute. Why aren't you going?"
"No date. Don't go with no one." You spoke slowly, trying to pronounce some of the harder words for you clearly.
"I can take you?"
"Huh?" You stopped, you had arrived at the park across the street from the dorms.
"I want to take you to the dance. And on a date... Tomorrow after school."
"Why? Because I like you. Will you?"
You nodded, why not? Ji-Yong was extremely handsome, he was the bad boy, the boy every girl wanted, and he wanted you. "Ne."
He grinned. Putting a hand on your elbow, he hand strong hands. "Wear something pretty tomorrow yeah? I'll take you out for food after classes end."
"Neh. I'll see you tomorrow Ji-Yong-ssi."
"Call me Oppa."
"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow morning y/n-Ah. I'll meet you here and walk you to school."
"Okay...oppa." He grinned and kissed the top of your head before he pushed your elbow gently, motioning for you to cross the street.
"See ya." You turned, thinking the last smile on his face was a bit strange. But you chalked it up to him being even happier.
You looked up, and saw the curtains that belonged to Jin and Yoongi's room fall into place. Crap.

A/N this chapter is being spilt into two parts because I know for a fact it's gonna be hella long! Part two will be out tonight in a few hours (hopefully if I don't get distracted hehehe!)

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