"Who are you?" I ask as I feel the poison seeping into my blood stream and find myself being knocked out slowly. I need to fight it.

"The name is Silver... Silver Siren." He says and this must be the Earth 2 version of Drake. Drake told me his counterpart was dead, that his sister's counterpart murdered him. "I know you must have questions, but soon, they'll all add up." He says treating me like a child and then throws a hard punch to my face knocking me out.

Silver Siren

"You're pathetic." I say disgusted by the lack of fighting the legendary Batman gave me. I was supposed to be worried about this guy? The doors to the room open and I see my partner, Ghost Archer.

"Is he taken care of?" He asks in a deep voice as he was in charge of planting explosives around the building and in the building. Soon this place will be nothing but debris.

"He was too easy." I speak about Batman and get up from the floor and walk towards Ghost and he follows me from behind. Ghost then arms himself with his bow as he must sense the intruders coming in. "Take care of Huntress, nobody else gets killed." I say bossing Ghost and he walks faster going in front of me.

As we walk around the hall I spot the other members and take out my gun and shoot them down but not necessarily killing them. I'll save that for Black Canary to deal with when they're after him.

"Cover me while I get Ra's Al Ghul babe." I say patting Ghost's back and walk away from him and head to the basement. I hear the screaming and fighting from a far knowing Ghost can handle this. The real members are dealing with bigger things that I set up for them, as long as they're gone, this is a walk through the park.

As I walk through the cells in the basement I feel something coming in. I stop and then in front of me Martian Manhunter rises from the floor trying to put fear into me. "Scary... but not for me." I say and quickly throw a high kick into his face and as I do I sneak out another kunai poisoned to knockout martians for the hour.

It's a lower dosage than I gave to the Bat. Martian dodges the attack of course but I manage to strike a scratch into his skin. I stand watching him and he notices the scratch on him and I watch his skin turn black. I walk away from him as he falls to the ground and I find Ra's Al Ghul's cell.

"AAAAAIEEEEEEEE." I scream at the door and the door flies into the wall. I walk into the room to find my master sitting on the floor praying. "Hello Master." I say as I stare at him knowing that this is the perfect moment to strike.

"It's time." He says and opens his eyes standing up. He completely stands up and walks towards me laying his hand on my shoulder. "Thank you child. We must go. The Justice League is going to have a field day with your counterpart."

"I made sure they would

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"I made sure they would." I say softy with a smirk and we both walk out into the disaster that Ghost created taking the remaining members down with tranquilizers. I look over at Ghost proud of this, we've been trained by Ra's for this moment. It was his plan to get caught and for us to rescue him, and destroy the Hall. Kill two birds with one stone. Soon, three birds when the Canary comes in.

"We must go now children. Our time has come." Ra's commands us and walks out of the building and as he does, I follow him from behind with Ghost next to me.

"Хотели бы вы сделать честь? / Would you like to do the honors?" Ghost says in russian and takes out the trigger for the explosives from his pocket and hands it to me.

"С удовольствием. / With pleasure." I say to him back in russian and press on the trigger as we walk out and the entire building explodes and we watch it collapse. The three of us walk out not hurt by it and leave for the next stop. Star City.

Black Canary (2) • boyxboy | ArrowWhere stories live. Discover now