Chapter 17

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Today is the first day of my internship. I'm so nervous as I sit in the reception area, waiting for the other five interns to arrive.

To stop my hands from fidgeting I grab the nearest magazine off the coffee table in front of me. As I start paging through the magazine, actually taking note of what's on the page in front of me, I realise that I'm looking at half naked oiled-up men striking awkward looking poses. Really Mia! Only you would go and grab a bodybuilding magazine off the table! And yes, there I go blushing again.

Way to go Mia! Great first impression!

As I'm about to facepalm myself, I notice a shy looking girl enter the building and make her way towards the reception area. She looks really lovely and I find myself wishing that she too is a new intern... oh, how misery loves company.

The receptionist shows her towards the waiting area where I'm sitting, and she slowly makes her way towards me.

"Hi there, I'm Mia", I say as she finds a seat.

"Hi! I'm Arielle." Her dimples and smile are delightful and I can't help but like her as she plonks herself down next to me. She's wearing a t-shirt which says 'Here comes trouble', blue denims and black boots. She lets out the deepest sigh, "Don't first days just suck?!"

I notice her hair falls over her shoulders in unruly red locks. She makes me feel instantly at ease, and I know that we're going to be fast friends.

Minutes later I look at my Swatch watch with the black horse on. Christian gave it to me as a present after the foal was born. We decided to call him Prince, and my dad agreed that it's a very apt name, as it seems he already have us all at his every beck and call. Just thinking of home and Christian makes me smile. Then I hear a squeak next to me, and I'm rocketed back to reality.

"It's already after 08:00. Where's everyone?", Arielle asks. Her words aren't even cold when three more people join us. Now five of the six interns have arrived. Maybe the sixth one decided not to join us, which is not that bad, one less person to fight off for the permanent job after our three-month internship.

A couple of minutes later Janet from HR meets us in the reception, and we start our tour of the company. She introduces us to the various editors and editorial staff, as well as the founder and CEO, Mr. Kevin Kepler. He comes across as the kind of man that exudes a sense of power and respect, and a part of me wonders if it's the kind of respect that's demanded or earned. His brown eyes miss nothing as they scan over eager faces begging for attention and acknowledgement.

He looks like the type who could enter Ironman competitions. His rugged good looks making all the women blush when he smiles at them, or even when he just makes eye contact. There's something about him that's somehow familiar... I just can't seem to put my finger on it.

Just then Arielle lets out a loud squeal, pulling me back to the present. Looking in her direction I notice that she's tripped over a black and pink camo backpack in the middle of the corridor, and is now lying in a crumpled heap on the floor. On closer inspection I notice that the backpack owner is me. Oh crap!

"I'm so sorry!", I apologize and rush to her side with my hand stretched out, offering her assistance with getting up. "I'm so silly to have just dropped my bag on the ground like that. What was I thinking?! Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

Arielle bursts out laughing and we all can't help but join in. Her mop of red curls bouncing, her giggles out of control. Her laughter is infectious, and it's awesome how she's able to laugh at herself in a situation like this. That's something I could never do out loud... in public no less.

With Arielle safely back on her feet, we continue on to the kitchen and canteen areas of our office tour. The kitchen isn't very big. It's more of an open space where two departments meet. It looks more like a chill area than an actual kitchen.

The company tour takes just over an hour and by quarter to ten we enter the office area where the interns will be stationed. We are in an open area a short way away from the canteen. It is spacious and we all have our own workstations. Our brand new MacBooks are waiting on our desks. Our desks are free-standing and orange, shaped like a kidney with metal legs. Next to each desk is a metal cabinet on wheels with four drawers for holding all stationery needs as well as space for our laptop bags and private items.

While being shown around the office, I find myself wishing that Christian was here to share this with me. He would especially love the canteen. I smile to myself imagining his eyes growing in size as he sees the wall of vending machines, but more so when he finds out that it's all free for staff. I suddenly can't wait to get home to tell him all about it.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and notice that Arielle's been signaling, trying to get my attention for so long that she's actually walked up to me. "Is it okay with you?", she asks, but I have no idea what she's talking about.

"Sorry, I didn't hear your question." I blush, embarrassed that I zoned out.

Nervously she says, "I was asking if it's okay that I sit at the desk next to yours. Maybe they'd let us work in teams."

"That would be perfect! I'd love to work in a team with you. After chatting to the others in our group, we are definitely more alike and should stick together", I agree as we move towards the desks we've decided to make our own.

We look around at the others and I notice that our sixth person still isn't here. I see Mary, the student selected from a prestigious all-girls school, studiously sitting at her desk packing her Hermes handbag into her metal cabinet. She has beautiful dead straight blonde hair swept up into a tight pony and is wearing a Ralph Lauren ensemble. At the desk next to her is James. He is super hot and a surfer. Paging through a surfing magazine, he truly looks the part with his bob length tousled blonde hair, deep set light blue eyes and athletic body. Next to him is Harry who looks more like he belongs in the British royal family than a publishing company. His proper English and Burberry outfit makes him look like the male version of Mary. The thought makes me chuckle to myself.

Janet leaves us for the rest of the day to familiarise ourselves with the office layout, complete the forms in our staff welcome pack and get to know each other better.

Harry and Mary keep to themselves, sitting silently at their desks going through their paperwork, while the rest of us joke around and chat. James has us all in fits of laughter, sharing funny surfing stories. He is going to be so much fun to work with during the next three months.

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