Chapter 7

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I have eventually been given the go ahead to pack my bags and be on my way. Not the breakout plan I originally had, but I'll take anything that I can get right now. I just want out of this place. No guess as to who'll be fetching me... the chauffeur of course.

I step off the curb as our town car arrives, expecting to see William's familiar face. Instead there's a new, much younger, much cuter one that greets me.

"Good day, Miss Tompson. My name is Josh Ryan and I'll be escorting you home. May I take your bags?" Josh's smile is like sunshine and I'm at a loss for words. The first time ever!

"Oh. Okay", is all that I can get out before blushing like an idiot. What the hell is wrong with me? That must have been one extremely hard hit to my head.

Josh eagerly takes my bags from my hands and places them in the boot of the car, before coming around to my side and open up the door for me.

"Miss Tompson", he says, gesturing that I enter the car.

"Thanks...", is all I can think of to say.

He extends his arm for me to lean on, obviously noticing the bandage around my head... or the goofy look on my face. I so wish that I could kick myself right now, anything to make me snap out of this brain-numb, idiot that I've become.

I take him up on his offer as I can feel my head is starting to ache. I feel a bit unsteady... must be the long bed rest.

As I lean in, I see that he has the most amazing sea green eyes and he smells like heaven. Wait? What?! These meds that I'm on must be really strong. I need to get home... fast!

We drive the rest of the way home in silence, but I can feel him looking at me in the rear-view mirror. I'm too scared to make eye contact. I'm scared the brain-numb idiot might rear her unwelcome head again. Just the thought of it makes me shake my head to myself, wondering what the hell is going on with me and my crazy reactions.

Thoughts of Christian enter my mind the closer we get to home. How will I face him? How do I act as if nothing happened? But before I can answer myself, we're pulling into the driveway, and I need to brace myself for the brain-numb sneak appearance. I just know that she's dying to show her face as soon as Josh opens my door. But I'm a few steps ahead of her. I fling my door open, faking a less than gracious exit and make a beeline for my bedroom.

Only once I'm inside the house and the door is closed behind me, do I feel safe from my crazy side showing her face again. That was close!

A few seconds later and I'm regretting my decision of sprinting past everyone into the house. My head is aching and I'm nauseous from the pain. I slowly walk over to my bed and lie down. Just a few minutes, that's all I need.

"Mia, is everything okay?", Gillian asks at the door. My hasty entrance probably set off all types of alarms in the household.

"I'm fine, no need to stress", I lie, feeling as if I might start crying at any moment. The pain is so bad.

"I'm going to bring you your medication soon, then you can take a nap. All this running around can't be good for you", Gillian warns me. "You need to remember to take it easy, listen to your doctor's advice."

A short while later and she's back. Just as I thought, she has a ham, cheese and tomato sandwich, my meds and some mango juice. She's so caring, and I hate it.

"Here you go", she says as she carefully places the glass of juice down next to my bed. "Please eat your lunch before you take the medication. We don't want you to damage your stomach, whilst trying to heal your head."

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