weird encounter (V) pt.2

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To say the least you and V were dating for two months now and strangely enough you had finally fell for the bubbly boy, his personality was still a bit much for your taste but nevertheless you still loved him. 

Graduation was coming up and you were beyond excited but there was one thing that you didn't tell Tae, you were eighteen while as he was twenty-two. You were trying to come up with as many excuses as possible but honestly, you just needed to tell him the truth. 

"So~why did you call me here?" V sang as he showed you his cute box smile. You smiled and set his plate onto the dining room table. 

"W-well, I wanted to tell you something." You smiled awkwardly hoping to ease your butterflies.

"Okay, I mean are you going to tell me? Oh shit are you breaking up with me?" You scuff before sitting across from V.

"Of course not, I mean I hope not," You said V gave you a questioning look. 

"So, come on stop being dramatic." You took a gulp of water and set the cup down loudly. 

"V, I'm eighteen and graduating high school next week. Do you want to come?" You said bluntly. Age shouldn't matter right? 

Taehyung was shocked by his girlfriend's word, eighteen. He fucked an eighteen year old. 

"W-wait?! I took a little girls virginity!" Your eyes widen, well age does matter? 

"What the fuck-Tae I'm eighteen, you know a legal adult! You are only four years older than me!" Tae stands up and slams his fist onto the table. 

"What do you mean a legal adult? Huh? When were you going to tell me," You can feel your body burning. You were beyond pissed. You were eighteen he's acting like you were sixteen or some shit. 

"You know what i'm sorry for telling you but this is exactly why I didn't." You stood up from your seat as well, making your way towards your bedroom.

"What the-(Y/N) get back here!" He yells as he walks into your room.

"No, why do I need to go to the kitchen when you already did the work for me?" You said as you slump into your bed. Your fist clutched, if he didn't leave now you were going to regret some shit. 

"Yeah I wished I left your smart ass comments too," That's it. 

"Get. The. Fuck. Out!" You screamed as you began to push him.

"No! Control yourself damn it." You didn't listen, you kept pushing him towards your front door. 

"No, you control your legs and get the fuck out, why Tae? Why does age matter? You acting like i'm a little kid or some shit. I got a job, an apartment, I'm going to college. What screams oh shit she's a kid in that statement?" 

You finally made it to your front door, you walked over to the door and opened it. 

"Now, if you wanna play that game get the fuck out of my apartment," 

Tae looks at you before walking out the door himself.

"You can't just blame me for this shit," You slammed the door and walked into your bedroom. Running into your bed you jumped into your bed. 

"Fuck this shit," you said as you finally went to sleep.

"Mama!" You screamed as you ran to her. Your mom smiles at you as you engulf her into a hug. 

"That's my baby, graduating and shit. I'm so proud of you." She kisses your forehead. You haven't seen your parents in four years. Now thinking about it where was your dad?

"Mama, where's daddy?" Your mom smiles. 

"He's talking to your boyfriend over there," your mom points over to a tree where your dad and boyfriend sits. 

"What the fu-," 

"What was that?" Your eyes widen.

"-fums, I meant what the fums," You chuckled nervously as you made your way to them.

"Daddy and... Tae." You said.

"Baby girl, give your daddy a hug." You hug your dad but kept your eyes on Tae as he shows you his very addicting box smile. 

"Daddy it's nice to see you, but do you mind if I speak with Tae for a quick second." You dad nods and walks over to your mom. 

You grab Tae's sleeve.

"What the actual fuck Taehyung!" You whispered yelled. Taehyung smiles quickly drops. 

"Okay, I wanted to apologize. I didn't mean to offend you. I was-you know-flustered I guess." You gave him a confused face and sit down onto the grass. 

"What do you mean?" He sits next to you and grabs your hand. 

"I mean, I felt bad. I was thinking-man I just a eighteen year old virginity, I am so sorry for not thinking honestly I thought that it was okay because we were older and allowed to do shit like that," 

You rolled your eyes and kiss his cheek.

"Tae shut the fuck up. If I was that disgusted with you I would've left your ass but no I stayed and I love you," You said.  Tae's eyes widen, this was your first time telling him you loved him. It was usually him telling you. 

"Oh my gosh, Jagiya!" Taehyung latches onto your waist and starts to kiss your neck, cheek, and lips repeatedly.  

"Baby-you laughed-stop before my parents see." To late.

"Get y'all ugly asses up and take us out to eat, my ass is hungry." Your mom bitched.

"What do you mean you're hungry, we ate before you came here. You dusty ass lady." Your dad yelled. 

You covered your face, embarrassed. 

"Baby, you better stop acting a fool before you start sleeping on the couch." You mom walked off to the car. Your dad looks at you and tae before running to your mom.

"I was just kidding baby-damn it stop walking to fast." Tae starts to laugh as you hid your face into his chest. Note to self even in Seoul your parents still found ways to embarrass you.

(A/N) Don't kill me, I am so sorry this week has been emotionally and physically hard for me, i'm trying I promise.

(QOTD) Do you own a kpop journal?
(AOTD) Hell yeah, I love this shit it's so much fun to make.

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