- j u n g k o o k e n d i n g -

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Okay, y'all were confused about the ending and now thinking about it yeah...I did a shitty job so instead of giving you a boring ass explanation here's your side of the story. Enjoy! Also, I am so sorry! And thank you for telling me that you didn't get the story cuz now I know I need to improve and add more details!  Love y'all. Also, the italics are on purpose sorry if you hate that.

Two years ago...the day you died.

"Miss? Oh my god I just got a pulse! Get the ambulance."

The day I was supposed to die I couldn't move, I was cold.

"Keep your eyes open, please." The man asked as he flashed a light into my eyes. I blinked but as told I didn't close them.

Why am I alive?

" Miss? Do you know who you are? Who did this to you?" I remember being trapped in the hospital for a couple a weeks. I nod but it was to hard to speak. There was a bruise forming around my neck, I would cry for hours. Of course I knew who did this to me.

Who could forget the face of your killer?

The detectives handed me a pad and a pen. I stare at it, for some odd reason. I could remember his name...the name Dexter. I also remember mine, thank god. But-but who's Jungkook? Why do I feel so sad whenever saying his name over and over again. I scribbled down mine and his name. Before,  I handed them the pad a added one condition.

Don't tell anyone I'm alive, not even my family.

Of course they told me they couldn't...so, when they turned to each other. I crossed off my name. I wanted to exist else where. This wasn't my home, this was a nightmare.

I'm sorry but I must go, I'm scared to die again.

Three months after almost being killed...

After i was released from the hospital I left. There was nothing left for me. After getting a good job I found an apartment, I remember being in the livingroom crying once I saw Dexter's name on the screen but it wasn't for my death. The name that girl back in the hospital put down put him behind bars. I didn't, my death was a cold case (Y/N) (Y/L/N)  was never found. Did I feel bad? No. But for my mom, I sent her a letter addressing it as my friend telling her how sorry I was for my death, I told her to give some of my things to Jungkook. It felt right to at least say something. I did feel odd telling her that her daughter wished for Jungkook to have some of her things but something was telling me to do so...did he get some of my things?

I didn't receive a letter back.

That was months ago, at my new school I was Ray. I didn't talk to no one, went to school and cried once I came back. Not being able to remember anything besides a few names and-and a smile. The smile made my heart beat wildly but why? I didn't know who it belonged to. The face was always cropped out. My dreams were my nightmare.

I decided to stop sleeping.

Two years later I decided to move back. I couldn't keep hiding I needed answers. I wanted my life back, with my mom...with whoever Jungkook was or is.

Was this the best choice?

I didn't think college would be the place we would meet again. It was only a couple a months since i started and I couldn't find you. I meet my mom again, she kicked me out. She hated me for putting her through that.

I didn't care, she didn't love me.

I made a couple of friends, I don't like them though. They were annoying but they knew how to make sure I was okay. I don't evem know how you found me. Ever since my "death" I changed. Cut off my hair and started over, gained contacts. I even tried to dress differently but I should've known. The person, who my heart beat unknowingly to me, was now right in front of me. That feeling I-I felt all of the love

But I still don't remember you, and I'm sorry.

But something told me you knew me, the old me. And was going to treasure the new me just as well.

Your smile, that was your smile in my dream.

For the first time in years, after our kiss, I slept. No more forceful sleeping. I slept on my own that night. And when I woke up I cried.

I remembered.

(A/N) did this help? I hope it did! I got emotional I'm done hopefully I can post something funny tomorrow love yall!

(A/N) did this help? I hope it did! I got emotional I'm done hopefully I can post something funny tomorrow love yall!

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