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"Shut the fuck up Min Yoonji, giving me a damn headache." You said as you turned around in your bed. Yoongi asked if he could stay the night since his dorm mates were being loud but now here he was aggravating the dog shit out of you. 

"You shut the fuck up and feed me, hoe." Yoongi replied as he walks over to your side and pull off your blankets you sat up real quick and turned around. 

"Oh no the fuck you did not you fucking walking stick give me back my blanket and go feed your own damn self." You said as you reached for your blanket. Yoongi backs up. 

"Stick? Man at least my thighs touch, fat Albert looking ass." You got up real quick and pushed him making him slip on the corner of your blanket while knocking you down during the process. 

"Damn Yoongi, I swear only dumb fucks like you are able to make someone fall down with you." You open your eyes and notice that you were laying on Yoongi's stomach. His eyebrows furrowed once he noticed the situation himself. 

"Bro get off of me I can't breath," You smirked and laid you whole body on him making him grunt. "Girl, seriously get off of me." He places one of his hands on your thigh and squeezed it making you smile. 

"Bitch now you know you like my beautiful thighs, come try me." He rolled his eyes. 

"No, my girls thighs better than yours." You froze and sat up yourself. 

"Girl? Like a girlfriend?" You asked not knowing that he had one. You've been friends with him for years now. 

"Um hm and man she is just sexy." He says as he licks his lips. You move off of him and walk over to his bed. Yoongi smirk falls as he watches your sadden gaze. "What the hell what's wrong?" You shook your head. 

"Leave me alone, your breath making my eyes sting." You said as you pulled your blanket over yourself. Yoongi sits up and walks over to you. 

"The hell, why are you hiding all of a sudden?" You don't respond which makes Yoongi worry. He pulls your blanket off of you. You smack your lips and whined. 

"Bitch give it back! Bowl cut having ass-" You were cut off once Yoongi places his lips upon yours. Your eyes widen as he pulls away.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you...Shit if I knew you were this sensitive I would've left you alone." You smile. 

"Oh my god Min fucking Yoongi likes me!" You yelled as you crawled over to him on the other side of your bed. 

"Ew, no I tripped and accidentally kissed you and PS your breath stinks way worse than mine made my taste buds burn." You wrap your arms around his neck and placed a kiss onto his cheek.

"No-you love me...I love you too, you fucking short hoe. Now kiss me again I like your lips." Yoongi turns around and places an another kiss onto your lips. 

I can't believe that I kissed you." He mumbles as he places small butterfly kisses all over your face. You giggle as he did so. You turned him around and sat on his lap. 

"I can't believe it too, who knew people with small ass lips could kiss so well," Yoongi mumbles something under his breath as he hugged you back. 

"So, wait was that girlfriend you were talking about fake?" You asked as you stared into his eyes. Yoongi smiles as he plays with the ends of your hair. 

"As fake as your weave," Your smile fell as you pushed off of him. 

"Keep talking, your hand and you are going to best friends." Yoongi jumps up and chases you around the house. 

(A/N) something short and completely random ah! I'm so ready for airplane pt. 2! OOOooO

(QOTD) are you going to see burn the stage?
(AOTD) hopefully for my birthday 

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