Chapter Four ●•♥•● Gurl, Explain With Details Please!

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   I got up from the floor, at layed down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I smiled like a fool, inspecting my Niall posters I had hung up on my ceiling.

   Yeah, instead of all of One Direction covering my walls, it kinda looks like this; one medium wall is One Direction, the largest wall is of my most inspirational paintings, the small one is of Taylor Swift, the other small one is of Aurora and I being stupid (y'know, wearing fake mustaches, painted faces, etc) on PhotoBooth and I printed them out, and my gigantic ceiling; is covered in Niall posters.

   I look across the room and giggle at a picture of Aurora and I; wearing bright pink wigs, our faces white with powder, bright red lipstick, too much blush, over-excessive smokey-eye, fake mustaches, and we were doing the 'duck face' pose.

   I sigh out heavily, staring up at my celing once more. I gigle at the poster of Niall shirtless. Well, not really a poster, just a picture he tweeted, and I printed out extra-large, then hung it up on my wall. Hehe, I'm so weird. Oh Lord, I've been affected. I'm starting to say 'hehe' in my head. Oh my carrots... no, just... no

"Thinking 'bout somethin' my home skillet Nandos?" Aurora giggles as she opens my door.

"Huh? Oh, hey! Oh, just... somebody I met today. Nothing big; my home skillet taco." I reply, looking at her as she sits down next to me.

"Oh my tacos, who did you meet!? Was he cute? Does he have cute friends?" Aurora rambles.

"Alright, I met... Niall Horan." I reply, sighing up at my posters.

"WHAT!?" Aurora yells out happily.

"Yuppers. I also met the rest of One Direction." I say, looking at Aurora while she fan-girled massively.

"OMG! YOU MET MY KITTY-TACO KING!?" Aurora exclaimed.

"Yeah, Aurora. I did meet Haz." I giggle as she cries over Harry.

"O-oh my t-tacos, you are s-so flacking l-lucky!" she weeped.

"It's OK! You'll meet him one day!" I giggle, while consoling her.

"Did you get his number?" Aurora asks; completely fine.

"Who's number?" I ask.

"NIALL'S YOU IDIOT!" she answers.

"No. Why would I want his number?" I ask nonchalantly.

"SO YOU COULD HOOK-UP WITH HIM, DUH! I mean, dating Niall has been your number one aspiration in life, since... forever!" Aurora yelps out shaking my shoulders violently.

"Well, sorry." I say.

"But, did he want to hang out?" she asks.

"Well, he asked me; 'Will I ever see you again?'. And I replied with 'If destiny decides it shall be; then it shall be. But until then; it was enchanting to meet you, Niall'." I respond truthfully, remebering the event.

"YOU SAID WHAT!? ARE YOU INSANE!? IF HE WAS AKSING YOU THAT, THAT MEANS HE WANTED TO SEE YOU AGAIN! IDIOT!" Aurora yells as she hits me upside the head with her palm.

"Well, you know I'm not good with guys! I pucked when I saw him!" I laugh.

"YOU DID WHAT!?" Aurora yells.

"Yeah, I did. Harry was all push though; trying to make me hook-up with Niall. Perv." I giggle.

"I'm going to faint." Aurora says, dramatically fanning herself.

I giggle, and for the rest of the day; we gossiped about it.

When I fell asleep, I thought; 'Will we ever meet again?'


SO... VAS HAPPENIN GUMMY BEARS! SO, its only been 2-3 days; and i already have 104+ reads on this. You guys are incredible! Telling me im awesome; but really, you guys are awesome! THE VIDEO LEFT ME LIKE "O.O" OK, so when Harry almost took off his pants, i was like "Oh, so your a stripper now, Harold Edward Styles? Tsk, tsk, tsk!" and when Nialls shirt was open, and so were his trousers, i was like "JUST TAKE IT OFF NIALL!" Cuz the guys were tellin him too, they know what i want, but NO, Nialler apareanlty has some pride. Psh, as if that'll ever happen. They have as much pride as a jelly bean. The pic if of Niall wearing a tank-top... high-lights of my life rit thur. So... erm... um... wel... uh... Vote/Comment/Fan/LICK LIAMS ABS! PEACE OUT MAH HOME SKILLET GUMMY BEARS! :3 :p x) :D ;) xxx

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