~Chapter 6~

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The wind was blowing in my face and I could feel the cool breeze coming from the ocean. I was getting used to driving in a convertible with Nick. The time was somewhere around 4:30 since we spent a while playing Black Ops and talking with Elliot.

The store was small but had amazing gelato. I got a banana run gelato and Nick got the Papalani Pie gelato. We shared both of them and boy, were they ever delicious!

"I love this place!" Nick exclaimed.

"This is the best place ever. I want to marry it." I was being dead serious. This was some good gelato. Probably the best in my life.

We spent a good hour in the store just quietly eating our gelato. Once we stepped out of the nicely air-conditioned shop, we were greeted by the sticky hot air.

"Sometimes I wished that I lived in Canada. Then it wouldn't be so hot." Nick looked at me like I was out of my mind.

"You've got to be kidding me! That place is like living in a deep freezer." I've never been to Canada but from what Nick just told me, I don't want to go there.

Since Nick's convertible had been sitting in the hot sun for an hour, the seats were burning.

"Oh my god! These are friking hot!" I almost jumped out of his car. I knew if I did that, he'd make me walk home and that was not on my to-do list.

Nick just looked at me. "Suck it up baby." I couldn't believe him for a second. Shouldn't he be complaining too? Then I realized that he had a towel on his seat.

"Now that's just unfair!!! You're such a meany." I crossed my arms and pouted.

"If you're going to be like that, I won't tell you where the extra towels are." Nick was the type of person to bribe you a lot.

"Fine then, I'll just go through your car looking for them." That got him scared. The look on his face was a combination of a deer in headlights and an alien.

"They're in the trunk. Don't mess up my baby!" He was panicking at the thought of me overturning his precious car.

I carefully opened the trunk, observing of what he has stored in there. There was an emergency duffel bag which held the lifesaving towel I wanted so badly, lots of water, board shorts and Xbox games.

I carefully laid down my towel on my seat and sat down. "What exactly do you do with those Xbox games?" I was so confused with those.

"Oh, I should've taken those out a long time ago!" He seemed really surprised that he was missing 3 Xbox games. They weren't even that bad! Why would a guy in his right mind leave perfectly good Xbox games in their trunk?! The things I didn't understand about boys...

The drive home seemed to go by way faster than getting here. All too soon, we were pulling up to the curb outside of my house. When I look at it from the outside, it look like a mansion but once you get inside it's just a comfy and cozy house.

When I opened the door I called into the house, "We're home!!" As I expected, Abby, Elliot, Matt and Chloe came bounding out of the living room. I could still hear the TV playing in the background.

"Ah, Chloe I see that you've already met Elliot!" I caught Chloe sneaking glances at Elliot's muscular frame.

"I guess you could say that. He just barged into the living room where Mattie and I were watching TV and sat down in between us." I could hear the disappointment in her voice and a hint of her wishing that would happen again.

She's a nice girl and all but sometimes she's such a flirt around guys. We've hung out quite a bit since the water gun tickle fight. We even went to the mall and every boy we saw was either checking her out or she was flirting with.

The group let Nick and I in from the boiling heat and we all went downstairs.

"So I've heard that Jessie plays a mean game of Black Ops, is that right?" Matt never knew that I enjoyed playing Black Ops. It's rubbed off on me after those endless training sessions he made me do with him.

"Nah, I'm not that good. It was only beginner’s luck." I didn't want him knowing my "secret".

"Pssht, ya right Jessie! You've beaten me like, the past ten games!" Of course, leave it to Abby to ruin my plan.

Matt challenged me to a game just to see how good I was. There was a bet going on in between Elliot and Chloe; Elliot thought that Matt would win since they used to always have Black Ops marathons and Chloe knew that I would kick Matt's butt.

At first, I let Matt kill me a few times but then I got an advantage and destroyed him pretty easily. He couldn't believe that his little sister had beaten him.

"Sorry to break it to you, but I was going easy on you." He put his arm around my shoulders and suddenly messed up my hair.

"You're lucky your hair is in a braid!" It was like we were little all over again. Except for the fact that Chloe was over, I never knew who she was until I met her a week ago.

"You're not so lucky because I'm going to kick your ass in another round!" I ran to the controllers and held one up.

"Loser has to make supper for all of us and it can't be burnt." I love threatening Matt with having to make food. He's the worst cook that I know. He can't even make cereal. I wasn't too sure if I really wanted to destroy my chance of having a decent supper.

"Well now you know I'm going to win!" Matt ran up to me and before I knew it, I was dangling upside down from his shoulder.

"Matt!! Let me go! I'm wearing a dress!!!" No way did I want anyone seeing my underwear. That was taking it too far.

I pounded on his back like I was King Kong. Finally after a good three minutes, Matt dropped me on the couch in front of the TV and declared a new match.

It ended like usual; I demolished my opponent and sadly sacrificed my supper. I invited everyone over for supper and they all just grumbled.

"Oh, come on you guys! If you're going to be like that I'll make supper." Once that left my mouth everyone jumped at the offer. It's amazing how they act when Matt is making supper.

I left everyone downstairs to start on supper. Even all the way in the kitchen, I could hear the boys yelling at the TV and the odd high-pitched yell from Abby and Chloe.

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