"Hey K." Lynn flopped down beside me, a goofy grin on his face. "I think this new song will really improve the demo. Do you mind singing? I've got some simple lyrics right here." That's Lynn for you, always opmicits and a chatterbox. He'll have a whole conversation himself, without realizing no one's said a word. "What's wrong?" He asked, when I wasn't smiling.

"It's nothing." I gave a slight smile. "Let me see the lyrics." I tried to grab the paper from Lynn, only for him to hold it out of reach.

"They told you didn't they." Lynn confirmed, from the frown I gave. "I'm a Defender as well, never forget that. There'll be other contests to enter, but only one Lyoko and Defenders. I want to help."

"No. I won't allow you to waste this chance." I played with a string on my shirt. "Music is the only thing you've ever wanted. Your father doesn't want doing this as a career, but I know you'll be great. Winning this contest will take you another step closer to completing your dream."

Lynn ran his fingers through his blonde hair, letting out a heavy sigh. "K, we can't keep doing this. My dreams will come true no matter what. Whether it's fifty days from now or fifty years. But you guys are my friends. I'll do anything to protect everyone, including Emi."

This wasn't a conversation I was going to win, at least not today. Lynn is very sturnborn once he makes up his mind. However, he has been know to change it (with even nagging and vaild aurgments from me). "Let's go to class. Cam's been skipping often enough that the teachers are starting to actually take attendance." Getting up, I snatched the paper out of Lynn's hand.

"I'll take that as a yes?" Lynn asked.

Rolling my eyes, I place the paper inside my pocket. "Maybe, maybe not. You won't know until later." Waving bye, I made my way to class.


Somewhere within Lyoko, a tower's glow became red. Having activated the tower, X.A.N.A. began his newest attack. This time, his spector manifested inside of the cafertia. The spector went into the fridge, before allowing the meat and other items to abosab it.


Alexei's POV:

"Kya will be fine once she's calmed down. You were right to keep Cam from chasing after her." Emi was safely inside the tower, chatting with me. It was after school and I was inside the manison with Cam. Cam decided to work on some programs after school to distract him from Kya. Emi was entertaining me, while I waited for several of my friends to get out of practice. We were going to play basketball before the schools mandotary curfew.

"We probably shouldn't have called Lynn behide her back, but we didn't have a chose." Sitting on the hard floor, I flipped through several website while speaking to Emi. "We really need a third person on Lyoko, there's no way around it."

"Hopefully, another Key will appear soon." Emi had spent the day searching the forest sector for a key. "X.A.N.A. only has one key, while we have two. Only one more key and we'll be free of X.A.N.A."

Shaking my head, I frowned. "Whether we find all of the keys or not, we're not turning off the supercomputer until your physically here on earth with us."

"Its to dangerous to keep the supercomputer on." Emi explained. "You could always restart it, once Cam's discovered the materizaltion code."

"Wouldn't work." Cam's voice made me jump, he's be silent since we arrived at the manison. "I've thought about that to. But the supercomputer might not reconzige any codes I create for you. What I mean is, each time the supercomputer is turned off and on, it chances certain codes within it's system. This is why you lost your memories when we reactivated it."

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