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Letting my blue Range Rover's engine roared to its life, I drove back home from Hoseok's wedding. On my way driving home on an empty street, humming to the songs on the radio, tapping the steering wheels, I saw a red Mini Cooper had collided to a huge tree at the side of the road. The car's hood were badly damage. Since it was an empty street, there were nobody passes by to help the victim in the car. I stopped my car nearby and went out running towards the wreckage.

I heard a crying sound of a small kid coming from inside of the car. I quickly ran to the backdoor of the car and opened when I see a kid crying still in his child seat.

It was Jitae, unhurt.

I immediately realised that it was his mother in the driver seat. I dismantled the child seat from the back seat with Jitae still sitting in it, sobbing and brought him out from the wrecked car. I brought the seat, with Jitae in, together with me to my car and buckled his child seat. I then ran back towards the wrecked and rescue the unconscious Jiyeon.

I carried Jiyeon bridal style to my car, walked to the driver's side and entered. I praised myself for driving the Range Rover and not the two seater car that I owned. I pressed the accelerator to the maximum, turning on the emergency lights and went off to the hospital.

I reached the nearest hospital and stopped in front of the emergency department

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I reached the nearest hospital and stopped in front of the emergency department. I called out the nurses standing nearby the entrance to help me. They saw my distress call and immediately pull out the stretcher to my car. I then carried Jiyeon and placed her on to the stretcher. The nurses shifted Jiyeon to the emergency room. I then parked my car and get Jitae out of the car and ran towards the emergency room.

I requested the nurse to send a doctor to check on Jitae. The nurse complied to my request and called out for the doctor. The doctor reassured me that there are no injuries on Jitae. I guess he was lucky because he was in the backseat safely secured in the child seat.

Carrying Jitae in my arms and calming him to sleep while sitting in the waiting area is the only thing I could do. After an hour of waiting with a droopy eyes, I saw a doctor coming out from the room calls out Jiyeon's family. I don't even know her aside from her being Haebum's friend, and of course of all the days, Haebum was currently in the plane headed off for her honeymoon.

"I'm her husband. How is she?"

I was shocked with the words I blurted out. The doctor sighed in relief which I assumed everything is okay.

Realising who I was, the doctor said "I am Dr. Hong, who is in charge of your wife. Mrs Kim is fine. I can assure you. Just several bruises on her ribs, cracked bones on her left arms. Fortunately, no major injuries."

"When will she be up, awake?" I asked while still carrying Jitae in my arms, still sleeping with his thumb in his mouth.

"She will be up once the anaesthetics wears off. Around an hour or so." the doctor said.

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