"It looks good, the swelling has gone down so I'm gonna clear you for next week Laika."


"Just to be on the safe side, wear flats next week."

"Gotcha. That's fine, he just has a promo with Paul." I get off the table. "Thanks Peachy." I leave the room.

"Well?" Joe asks.

"I'm cleared for next week." I say happily. "But Peach says no heels." He kisses my head.

"I'm glad. I'm only shooting promos tonight and next week so your ankle can get ready for those heels."

"It'll be fine. You ready for tonight?" he nods.

"I'm always ready."


I watch Joe come over to me after his promo.

"Babe?" he asks. "What's wrong?"

"Um... I uh... I can't feel my legs." Joe's face turns to fear.

"We have to get you to the trainer's room."

"I—I can't feel my legs, BECAUSE THAT PROMO PARALYZED ME!" I start laughing.

"That's not funny." He pushes me slightly and I continue to laugh. "You had me really worried."

"I know and I'm sorry but that was so good out there!" I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Thank you baby."

"So many people are receptive to this promo. They're saying you snatched them bald, cleared their acne, made them drink a lot of tea... it's amazing." Joe smiles. "I'm proud." I kiss him. "So can we go home now?" he nods.


March 7, 2018
Tampa, FL

Joe's POV:

As Malaika packs up our bedroom, I'm in the basement standing in front of my title case. I look down at the bubble wrap in the box that I'm supposed to pack them in. I look at the titles that I've won.

"Hey," Malaika says from behind me. "You ok?" I turn around.

"Yeah. Just... thinking." She wraps her arms around me.

"About what? Wrestlemania?" I nod. "It's gonna be fine. It's not like last year."

"That was... difficult." I look back at the case. "But this is going to be brutal."

"You've done it before, you can do it again. And when you do, you'll put that Championship with the rest. Now stop overthinking and let's pack. We've got a house to move into. Overthinking is my department."

"Yeah." I chuckle. "It is." I open the case and take the belts out one by one, wrapping them in bubble wrap and put them in the box.

"Our room is pretty much packed." She says. "The new furniture for the basement and family room are coming next week. Then we have to move our furniture from here over there, put this house up and walk away." I sigh.

"I forgot how complicated moving was. How's Galina doing?"

"She's half way in the new house. She has more time so she can get more done."

"I still can't believe we're doing this." I say.

"Moving or living together?"

"Both." I chuckle. "It's crazy. I never thought in a million years that I would have my ex girlfriend and my wife live in the same house, and be happy about it."

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