Case 20

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Case 20



Jimin brought you to the prison so you could meet Taehyung. You were lightly trembling in the passenger seat as nervousness overwhelmed you.

Jimin took glimpses of you from time to time and started to bite his lips in nervousness as well. He wasn't sure why he was but he knew that you were one of the causes for his uneasiness.

"It's going to be fine. If he cares for you and loves you the way he did before, he'll understand your actions." His brows knit into the frown while saying this line.

The idea of claiming that another man was in love with you had bothered you.

"No, but if he did truly care for me, he wouldn't have poisoned my father just for revenge. Killing someone to equal someone else's sorrow is never the answer." You said with a rollercoaster of emotions.

Now anger residing in you after thinking through all the pain he inflicted on your family, you couldn't trust him.

But, you still did feel a bit of guilt for not being there for him when he needed you.

"Please Y/N... lets just hope it will go fine." Jimin grasped your hands tightly and you relaxed slightly.

You nodded with his response and the rest of the way there was filled with light talk to distract both of you.


"Hi Tae." You said while looking at the boy across from you.

He looked older and dirtier. The past image of him had disappeared and he looked broken.

"Tae?" You whispered while slightly wincing back, ready for the uproar he would cause.

"Hey Y/N." He said suddenly with a bright smile that displayed across his face.

You knew the smile was just a mask he covered his broken parts with.

A tear cascaded down your cheeks as you wiped them swiftly.

"I- I'm sorry." You said, now crying helplessly.

"No, I should be the one who is apologizing. I shouldn't have hurt your family. It ruined everything." He said while looking at you intently.

"Are you doing well?" You asked finally to divert the subject.

He nodded while asking you the same as you nodded as well.

"When you are released from this cage, I'll be the first one to greet you." You said faintly while looking up at him.

He nodded and smiled once again, this time filled with more hope.

"Thanks, I'll be waiting!" He giggles before the bell rings and it was time for you and him to separate.

You waved and he waved back before he was guided out of the room.

You exited as well and met Jimin outside. He saw your tearful eyes and embraced you.

Containing your tears, you only held his hand before exiting the building and boarding the car.

"I was quite irritated leaving you and a guy alone in one room; although there was a wall separating you." Jimin said while pouting slightly.

Seeing his jealousy, you held his cheeks in your hand and placed your forehead on his.

A smile spread across both of your cheeks and a light tint of pink spread across your cheek.

"Mr. Prosecutor, do you like me?"

Perfidy // Park Jimin x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin