Case 3

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Case 3



Your mother cried in your brother's arms, in need for comfort and warmth.

How? Why? How could your dad die in a split second? No. It was too out of place for him to just die there at that moment. It didn't fit into place. There had to have been a reason. And that reason was what you wanted to know.

Your family left that day, your mother having a breakdown of tears. Once Home, you could hear her wails from every corner of the house. Your brother stood strong and comforted her most of the time, but when everyone was sleeping, your brother cried a flood. Releasing what he couldn't at night and showing a fake facade during the day.

Of course you heard the wails at night for you couldn't sleep as well. You were sure your mother couldn't sleep as well. The night was when everyone took out their pain.

The next morning, everyone would wake up to have puffy eyes but no one wanted to question each other. You of course, knew the reason for why.

You cooked breakfast hurriedly while leaving for work. You had missed work for a whole week now, your brother as well. There would be no one home to take care of your fragile mother.

After leaving the house, you walked your way to the cafe. Not wanting to ride the bus because you wanted to arrive late.

"Y/N? What happened?" All the other employees would question you for your long absence.

"Mm... important family matters." You said trudging toward the counter.

"Is everything okay? You look terrible today." Your manager laughed and you snorted.

"I didn't get much sleep." You showed a weak smile before moving to take your shift.

Countless amount of times the bell jingled and every time you were woken up from your drowsy state.

"Good morning. How Can I help you?" You asked tiredly.

"You should know what I get by now miss." You examined the person in front of you, unable to recognize him or her.

Your vision hazy as she or he blurred in and out.

"... Kim Taehyung?" You asked while squinting your eyes.

He nodded in response while you entered his usual orders. He examined your tired expression and your weak figure.

"What happened?"

You shook your head, for you knew talking about it would only bring you to tears.

"Let's talk later." He smiled lightly before leaving with his hot chocolate, extra marshmallows.

The rest of work was a pain and you started to feel dizzy, where your manager asked you to leave early today.

"I don't know what happened but I hope you'll recover from it and become a strong Y/N like before." She would say when you were leaving.

You wished for that too.

For everything to be okay again.

When you arrived home, no one was there. Your brother you thought was at work, and your mother probably walking around town.

When the doorbell rang, you awoke from your nap and hurried to the door, thinking it was your mother or brother.

As soon as you opened it, you were greeted with a pale faced mother and anxious brother , both looking behind to show you... the cops. Why were they here?

"H- How may I help you sir?" You stuttered, feeling a knot form in your stomach.

Suddenly, they pulled out their warrant and shoved everyone beside before entering the house.

"Wait! What is his for?!" You wanted to say to them.

But you didn't want to be on the bad of the police.

After a long search, they turned to you once again.

"Arrest her." The lead investigator said to the cops, as they pulled you out the door by force.

"HOW? What did I do wrong?!" You protested feeing horrible.

"Miss, you are arrested for committing your father's murder."

Perfidy // Park Jimin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now