Case 16

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Case 16



Jimin was well asleep now. Silence and peace around the house yet frustration resides in you.

You looked over the security footage and was able to connect that the suspicious guy was indeed the suspect. All we needed to do now was FIND the guy which would be even more difficult.

"No..." you mumbled.

No it wouldn't be difficult, because you knew who it was. By the face that lightly peaked out of the hood, the glove and the grand hands that hung low, it was evident to you. Yet, you didn't want to admit it.

"Yeah... maybe he just was an accomplice. Not directly involved with this murder." You shrugged before falling on the couch limply, exhausted.

Your thoughts clouded your mind as you drifted gradually off to dreamland.


"Good morning Y/N." You heard a voice gently wake you up from your deep sleep.

You nodded before seeing it to be Jimin who was wearing his suit already.

"Sleepyhead, eat up or else I'll be late and so will you." He chuckled before handing you a plate of breakfast filled with inedible mush.

"Ewww..." you growled before pushing it away and getting up to make your own breakfast.

"You ate that and call it a breakfast?" You asked before approaching the fridge and cabinets to see what he had in stock.

He nodded delightfully, seeming completely clueless of what gibberish you were talking about.

"Sit down. I'll cook up something actually edible for you." You said while patting the island and starting to toast the English muffin.

You made poached eggs and created your secret sauce recipe to top on of the English muffin with two layers of ham.

"Eat up. My speciality and way of showing gratitude. Egg Benedict." You smiled chimefully while sitting next to him at the island.

He took a bite and shrugged, trying his best to hide the rush of pure bliss he felt.

"So... are we going to apprehend the suspect today?" You asked hesitantly, scared of his response.

Jimin nodded and looked over at you.

"Sorry Y/N... I know it's heartbreaking to know the truth." He said while clasping your hand gently.

You shook your head and took another bite trying to hold back the emerging tears.

"No, it's fine. I understand." You said slowly.


When finished, you guys headed off to Jimin's law firm and pieced put a file together of all the evidence you had. A warrant was brought to search the suspect's house and you hired few police officers for the arrest.

"Ready?" Jimin asked after seeing how empty and fragile you were.

Just a touch would be able to break you, like a fragile porcelain or glass on the edge of cracking.

You nodded before standing up and taking Jimin's as support.

As he was about to let go, you grabbed it tightly and resisted his escape. You needed someone to hold on to... dearly.

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