Case 11

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Case 11



"Come in." Jimin said, his eyes glued to the number of files in front of him.

"Uhm... excuse me Prosecutor Park, could I talk to you?" You quieted while peeking in slightly.

Jimin glances up and furrowed his eyebrows before taking a quiet leave from his office.

"What's the matter?" He said professionally while eyeing nonchalantly.

Your breath shook slightly as you grasped your shaking hands tightly together.

"I wasn't sure if I had to confront you about this, but I saw the owner of the glove you found at the hospital." You murmured while fiddling your fingers now.

Jimin didn't seem to flinch or rather seemed bored to death.

"You know there isn't only one person with those same gloves. Was it even a man that you saw with it?" He asked narrowing his eyes at your slender figure.

You nodded hesitantly before taking a deep breath.

"It was Taehyung who had it." You said while taking out the pair of gloves from your jacket pocket.

"He lent me his jacket and I found these in his packet. So when the funeral ended I took it without his notice." You handed Jimin the gloves when suddenly he scoffed with nonsense.

"How are you sure it's the same gloves from the hospital?" He crosses his fingers patiently now.

You displayed the ends of the fingers and there, you could see mineral streak stains.

He took the gloves from you and shook them slightly in front of your face.

"I'll go ask for a analysis of this. While then, you stay put." As he was about to walk off, you grabbed the hem of his sleeves tightly to restrain him.

"And if it does belong to Taehyung what are you going to do?" You feared the thought of Taehyung becoming suspected because of your big mouth.

Maybe it was the wrong idea for you to have turned the gloves in to Jimin... who in the matter of fact was actually against you, as a prosecutor.

"You don't worry about that." He said coldly before trying to loosen your grip.

"Of course I need to be concerned for what happens to him afterwards!" You yelled while swiftly letting go off him.

Suddenly, you felt Jimin grasp your wrists tightly as you winced in surprise.

"Why is he so special to you?!" His anger was evident as he shouted at you harshly.

"I... I defended you when no one took your side. I understood you even after you were claimed to be a murderer. I stood by your side and gave you warmth when you needed it. Yet why... why him?" He said helplessly as his face scrunched up and his lips trembled lightly.

He tossed your hand aside and walked back to lean against the wall opposite of you.



"Taehyung and I were actually really close during our first year here. When he was in trouble I was there for him and when I needed aid he was there for me." He crossed his arms, looking lifelessly at the ground.

"But one day," he poked his inner cheek with with his tongue, "I went to Taehyung with desperate help. My father had committed a huge crime that many would not defend for his sake..."

You anticipated more but Jimin didn't seem to continue his story. You nodded and got off the wall when suddenly he spoke again.

"He... he ra-rap... e-.... d someone."

First your mind blanked out and you titled your head in confusion, when suddenly realization and hit you.  Your eyes widened as you gasped before covering your mouth. You faltered backwards in fear and hit your back against the wall once again.

"So I went to Taehyung for help. I needed him to help my father out of this situation. And with our friendship, he of course agreed to do so... in return for a favor."

His breath hitched slightly before he looked intently at you.

You gulped while clenching your fists. "And that wish was?"

He sighed deeply before confronting you, "It was to create false evidence for your trial to claim you guilty."

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