22 ✮ Hijacking Cheesecakes

Start from the beginning

I was about to say something, but decided not to. It wasn't worth anything. Whatever caused Will and Charlotte to break up is their problem and all that really should matter is that Will likes me and I trust him. He told me he didn't like Charlotte anymore and I believe him.

I trust him.

I started walking away, but she yanked my arm. "Stay away from him."

I yelped when her hand tightened on my wrist and was startled when someone grabbed me from behind, releasing the grip Charlotte had on me.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Charlotte."

I looked up shocked to see Scott defending me. I hadn't seen him since the Winter's Ball, which was a few weeks ago. His brown hair was shorter and he looked more muscular for some reason. I actually missed him.

"Scott!" I gasped and hugged him unconsciously, but then pulled away when I realized that Charlotte was staring at us with her mouth wide opened.

"Wow, Shannon." She looked at me up and down. "Maybe when you're done hooking up with both these guys, you can go get yourself a duke or something seeing as you're such a slut."

I had it. "You know what, Charlotte-"

Scott pushed me away from her and got in front of me. "I wouldn't say that if I were you and you know it. She's with Will now so if you respect her and yourself, you don't have any right in calling her that."

She glared at him. "Why the hell are you defending her?" She was seething with anger and I swear she was just about to pounce on me when Scott backed me up with his arm.

"Will would never forgive you," He said with a serious face. Charlotte seemed to lose her poise. "If you did anything to hurt her."

It grew silent and I couldn't help the blush running up my face when he said those words. Charlotte noticed because her whole face was red with anger. Scott backed me up some more, worried that she might attack me at any second.

Charlotte stomped her foot in disgust. "I know Will still loves me."

"He won't after I tell him about your little encounter with his father."

This time, she flung her arms up in annoyance and trudged away from us. This thing that Scott knew about was a restricted area and I knew it. It always seemed to leave Charlotte annoyed, but she always seemed to stop fighting once he brought it up.

What was it really about? Maybe this had something to do with their break-up?

When Charlotte was out of our view point, Scott and I kind of stared at each other for a while. It had been a while since I saw him and we left off in an awkward situation. He asked me out and I rejected him.

"Hey Gem Girl." He rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly. "Long time no see. Sorry about that whole Charlotte fiasco. Told you she's a witch." He laughed and even though Charlotte's annoying attitude was still in my mind, I wanted to talk about him. I missed him.

"So, where have you been ditching off too?"

"I actually got invited to spend time at Yale for a couple weeks." He grinned like it was no big deal. "It was like this Freshman invitation thingy."

"Wow! Congrats! That's really good!"

"Yeah." He smiled. "I got accepted, Gem Girl."

"You did?" I cheered and gave him a quick hug again. "I'm so proud. I never doubted it one bit."

"Yeah." He looked back down at the ground. The awkwardness came flowing back. I felt a little pitiful, but I knew that there was nothing I could do about it.

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