"I love you."

  Those three simple words are undoubtedly the most powerful of words in the human vocabulary. And when they are put together, it makes a sentence that is and will continue to be the most powerful sentence in all of mankind. Of course most people would doubt this, but it is plain fact; The conclusive truth that everyone attempts to avoid. When you say 'I love you' to somebody, and you have utter sincerity in your voice, everyone who hears forthwith knows that the person you had said this too is someone of greater importance than most people; That they are someone you would give your life to and, no matter what happens, you will always be there for; They will be someone to cry over and someone to talk about; They will be one of the first people you go to. Jungkook knows this all. And what makes these feelings he has even scarier, is that he means it. He means it when he says 'I love you' to V.

"Oh?" V's back straightens and his smile broadens. 

  Jungkook looks at his hands and feels a tear roll down his cheek. He doesn't want to cry....especially in front of V. 

  "I couldn't....I couldn't keep it in," Jungkook whispers, his voice strangled, "I don't even know how it happened... I've known you for only four days....and yet...." Jungkook looks V in the eyes then, his head absently bringing itself closer to the green haired man's, "And yet I love you."

  V leans forwards and without a word of notice connects their lips.

  Jungkook is shocked at first, his mind seeming to be caught in a spiderweb. He thinks back to the first kiss they shared, the past one being short and full of mixed emotions that scared the doctor. But now, in this moment, Jungkook knows what choice he has to make.

  Jungkook Closes his eyes tightly and kisses back, his stomach churning in a way that brings somewhat pleasure. His lips dance with V's and the room seems to move with them. V laughes in between kisses, his deep voice ringing through Jungkooks head. Its amazing to Jungkook. Amazing and very, very scary. The doctors emotions can not be placed in any category, nor can they be simply formed into words. And in that moment, Jungkook knows for a fact that he can not turn back time. Things will never be the same and nothing can be undone.

  Jungkook pulls away, his eyes seeming to stay fixed on the elders smooth pink lips, a glossy sheen of saliva coating the skin. The doctor swallows hard and bites his lip, willing himself not to cry.

  V smiles widely, his eyes chanting the simple expression that makes it clear he is not right in the brain.

  "I...." Jungkook feels his mouth dry up and suddenly he cannot speak. He can only gap at V and clench his fists at his side. What has he done. 

  "bunny boy.....ah my bunny boy..." V chuckles, his voice a low whisper. He brings his lips up to Jungkooks ear, "I need you to get me something...."

  Jungkook shakes his head slowly, not understanding, "What?" he shivers, feeling V's warm breath on the side of his face, the taste of metallic champagne lingering on his tongue. Realization seems to hit him like a train and he begins to blubber thoughtlessly, "Anything! I mean...yes...yes."

  V chuckles, the deep sound sending goose bumps along Jungkooks skin, "I need you to get me a machine gun."

  Jungkook feels his heart race and his eyes widen, "A...a machine gun?" his hands begin to shake as he shifts on his chair, wanting to leave but feeling as if his legs are made of jelly. 

  V smirks, the simple gesture putting Jungkooks mind in a daze, "can you get me a machine gun, Bunny?"


  V smiles widely, obviously pleased. 

  Jungkook feels blood pounding in his ears at the realization of what he's just said...what he's just blindly agreed too. How is it that love can make you do such impossible things? How can it make you do things you would never dream of doing in the past?

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