are u still here?

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This isn't an update sorry :((

Hey, it's midnight right now while im typing this and i just really want to say a lot of stuff to all of you. I hope y'all read this till the end :)

It's been a while since i last updated both of my stories and i just want to apologize from the bottom of my heart for that. Trust me, i really am :(( and it hurts my heart every time i think about how (hopefully, there's still some left) everyone is waiting for an update.

It's just that these past few months have been really difficult for me. I can actually say that they are the hardest months I went through my entire life. Hardships are thrown right at me and whenever i manage to overcome one, a hundred more is added and it's just crap.

To add to that, i had absolutely no one to talk to about it and it just really sucks. I think that maybe my trust issues are just what's keeping me from telling anyone, so there's that. I'm just really sorry for leaving all of you :((

Then a few days ago, i realized that what made me truly happy was every comment and recognition i get from you guys for writing and it just motivates me and boosts up my self esteem and I'm reminded that I am a good person and I'm loved. A simple "yay u updated!" reaaaaaally means a lot to me so thank you so much i love you

what's important is that I'M BACK!!!

and i will be writing more than ever for you guys who have stayed, for ones yet to come, and hopefully, for ones who'll come back :))

Like I said, i went through a really horrible phase recently so I'll be using that to create better content and to be more passionate about what i do.

So maybe it isn't that bad after all?

As for my stories, I'm currently working on both and since they're almost ending, I'm working extra hard. So i can hopefully start new stories and/or edit the ones I've completed so basically my goals would be:

1. Bring two stories to a close
2. Start a new story or another (i have loads on my drafts)
3. Edit the stories I've completed

Will i have the strength to do all that?

Leave a comment down below saying that you're still here to let me know :) you don't know how much that helps me.

Also, don't be afraid if you want to private message me, im a nice person hehe let's be friends!!


i will be going to bed now :))

Much love,

Smile // GOT7 JinyoungTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon