31. dream

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Park Jinyoung's POV:

"We did everything that we could." He breathes deep.

He then flashes a toothy grin. "She's in coma for now, but she's perfectly fine."

It felt like all the relief on earth just washed me and grandma.

"Thank goodness!" She sighs.

The doc turns to me and smiles even more. "You saved her just in time. Now, we just have to wait and hope for her to wake up very soon."

"Thank you so much." I bow.

"I'll get going now." He checks his wristwatch under a his white coat. "You could go see and be with her inside."

I guided grandma to the room.

Again, there she is, lying on a hospital bed, her hands by her sides, and her face so pale and sad.

Her closed eyes made her long eyelashes look visible.

She looked pretty even when asleep, even with anything she does.

I stood while I let grandma sits on the chair beside her bed.

"Mina-yah, I'm sorry." She softly cries and clutches her granddaughter's left hand in her wrinkled ones.

And at that moment, my tears were starting to get back, too.

A soft knock is heard in the door, it opens to reveal a middle aged man.

"Mother, I think you should get some rest." He says, and stares sadly at Mina.

Ah, so he's the uncle.

Grandma doesn't move, as if she heard nothing at all.

"She'll be fine." He says again, going close to her mother and rubbing her back slowly.

I watch all this silently, and I thought I should say something at least.

"Grandma, you should go home and get rest. I will watch over her until you get back." I manage to form a small smile.

This time, grandma gets up, says goodbye to her granddaughter, and leaves with her son.

So it's just me and her for now.

And there they came, all the tears, rapidly flowing down both sides of my cheek.

I sit beside her and hold her hands in mine.

"Lee Mina..." I manage to say.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I had no idea.." I sob into her hands.

"You went through such a hard time, you kept it only to yourself, I'm so sorry that I've been so clueless and cruel."

I have to stop every once in a while because it's getting harder and harder for me to breathe.

"I know you deserve so much better, but please, please wake up." I cry.

"I'm a bad friend, a bad person..." I pause for a second. "I'm a bad playmate."

"But please don't leave me. Please don't leave me like I did to you years ago. Don't leave me because I like you, Mina. I need you, please."

I cry even more, and before I knew it, I fell asleep.

It was a dream.

Still the same aged me. I was in a playground, a rather familiar one. There were little kids playing and I stand there looking at the scene from afar.

Smile // GOT7 JinyoungTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon