22. Hatred

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I inhale the refreshing air the school park gives. The fallen snow is a great view from the benches. This kind of view relaxes me a whole lot.

I couldn't lean on my favorite tree though. I miss it already. I'll come back to it as soon as spring comes. (AN: omg i'm literally reminded of Bangtan's spring day. Where are y'all my co-armys at?)

"Mina-yah." Someone from behind calls. I look back and followed her steps by sight until she sits down next to me. Kang Jiwon

"What is it?" I ask, not removing my gaze from the beautiful afternoon sky.

I feel her sit straight up before opening her mouth to speak. "Jinyoung agreed to duet with me."

My face fell, but I quickly smiled and turned my head to face hers. "He did? That's a relief then."

"It took a lot of convincing. He agreed just now, a while ago." She says.

"That's great. You should go practice with him."

"Yeah, I will. Thank you, Mina." She whispers in a surprisingly nice tone that I would never expect, and walks away.

I sigh deeply before gazing back to the nice view I was watching. In a way, it doesn't soothe me anymore. I sigh again in frustration.


"Fuck pens and papers, also, curse this fucking eraser. I hate everything." I curse under my breath.

It's literature and we're asked to write an essay. I already finished and passed mine. I got nothing to do so I started cursing everything I see just because I want to. Yoonjae eyed me furiously. "What?" I ask without seeing the look on his face.

"Uhhh. Are you okay?"

"Do I look like I'm okay?" I give him the stink eye, well eyes since I have two of them, but that doesn't fucking matter right now.

He suddenly looks scared of me and maybe from his shock, he didn't answer back.

"Whoa there. What are you guys talking about?" Bambam suddenly appears from the back door of the classroom behind our chairs. Yoonjae and I look at him.

"Yah, Lee Mina, don't be too hard on the new student, yeah?" He suddenly leans in to Yoonjae and whispers something in his ear.

Probably something about my temper that might surprise him like right now. I kick bambam in the leg.

"Hey that hurts!" He scowls at me and I roll my ayes at him. Yoonjae sits awkwardly between us bickering.

Bambam shooks his head and said, "How about we go to the near ice cream parlor just down the street after school later, you guys? Just us three and maybe we could talk this out." He puts a hand on my shoulder, and another on Yoonjae's. I again roll my eyes at him.


"Here you are. Enjoy." The waiter smiles at us as he hands our ice cream. Three different flavors in three separate bowls.

"Didn't know you like cookie dough." I look at Yoonjae as he eats his. He nodded in response.

As usual, I had cookies and cream, and plain strawberry for Bambam.

"The prod you requested for will make a few changes." I say, and I look at Bambam. He put his bowl down to focus on conversing.

"I won't be duetting with him on Friday anymore." I simply say and eat another bite.

"Wait what's happening?" Yoonjae innocently asks. Being a new student, he doesn't know any of this yet.

I ignore his question and spoke more. "A few days back, Jiwon asked to duet with him instead. Jinyoung only agreed to it now, according to her, and now I think they're practicing." I breathe out.

Bambam's eyes widen. Before we know it, he's dialling Jinyoung's number on his phone. I couldn't even stop him. He's the almighty Kunpimook Bhuwakul for pete's sake. No one can stop him.

"Yah Jinyoung hyung!" He yells as soon as he picks up. Yoonjae and me fall silent.

"Is there something going on, Bam?" I hear his melodic and calm voice from the other line.

"Why did you agree to duet with Kang Jiwon?"

"Why? What's wrong with that? I think I harmonize better with Jiwon, and our voice fit better, too anyway. There's no reason for me to duet with Mina anymore."

My eyes widen in...I don't know if it's shock or hurt.

I snatch Bambam's phone away from his hands and put it to my ear.

"Park Jinyoung, you're a fucking asshole. Die and go to hell." I say and throw the phone back to Bambam's direction.

I got up and stormed my way out of the ice cream parlor and left them there without a word. I even hear Yoonjae's voice yelling "Yah! Where are you off to?" before I reach the door but I don't answer and just keep making my way out.

I stop outside and I don't know where I wanna go right now. So, I ran. I don't care where my feet take me. I need to get away from here.

Where am I off to?

What will happen to me?

Will anyone care?

Hmff. Probably none.

That wasn't a cliffhanger, right? Right?

As some of you may be noticing, I haven't been updating much. I promise to update a lot as soon as vacation starts and when school is over in just a few more weeks! I have to face exams and requirements though :((

And, thank you all so much for 8k reads! May God bless every single one of you :)

Much love,

Smile // GOT7 JinyoungTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon