16. Dark

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So, right now, I'm on the way to the café with Jiwon. She has a really big smile plastered on her face as we walked.

Wake up

I am awake, stupid subconscious. You've been really stupid lately.

No. I mean to your senses. You're getting into something bad. I can feel it.

What the hell are you talking about? It's just coffee. Nothing could go wrong and I wish for you to shut up just today for me to focus, yeah?

"Mina?" I jolt in surprise.

"You okay?" She asks.

"Yeah." I say.

She doesn't look like a bad person. I have nothing to worry about.

A waiter opened the door for us, We stepped in, found an empty table and sat there.

"Do you want to order?" I ask.

She's fixing her make-up with a pink compact mirror on her left hand and a mascara on the other.

"Hmm. I'm not hungry. Let's just hang out." She responds, still fixing her make up and not bothering to look at me for even just a moment.

"Okay." Was all I could say.

I waited patiently for her till she finished retouching her make up in a few minutes that felt like a few dozen years.

"I want to ask you a favor, Mina." She calmly said as she put her mirror and mascara back in her make up kit.

"Anything." I said and looked straight at her, signalling to go on.

"Can you please give me your place in yours and Junior's duet for the fest?" She asks.

I got surprised, but I managed to keep my calm and not let her notice my reaction.

I gulped. "Umm. Yeah, you can." I don't know how I got those words out of my mouth. I just can't seem to reject her. I don't know why I'm becoming like this. It's really frustrating.

"Okay. I'll tell Mr. Ha on Monday." She says.

I just nodded, because I felt that if I spoke, I would say the words I don't mean.

Sitting here with her is a very bad idea to go for. In an entire, what feels like an hour, she just sat there, checking on the make up on her face. She does nothing else but that. It annoys me a bit and I'm also getting a little impatient. I feel like my whole body is heating up.

I feel cold. I'm dead beat and my whole body is numb. I'm tired and I feel like I don't have enough energy to even run or get home without company with me. I feel like I'm dying little by little.

"Are you okay?" She asks. "If you want some fresh air, you can go out for a bit." She offers.

I nodded, again for the second time, stood, and walked to the café entrance slash exit, simply, the door, with my bag in hand.

This time, a security guard stood by the door. He opened it for me and I bowed my head for him in courtesy before going out.

I walked to a quiet place, just by myself, no one is around. I sigh in relief.

I walked slowly. I'm contemplating whether I should go back in the café or not.


Omygod. What the heck was that? Please no.

I continued walking, also hearing footsteps behind me. I walked faster.

My body condition isn't helping either. I feel like I'm in Alaska without any clothes on. It's so cold.

I told you you'll get in trouble

Shush. Not now.

I stopped in front of a brick wall, dead end. I'm dead.

Cold wind blew. My skin tingled and my insides feel bad.

"Give her the place, Mina." I hear a man's voice say.

That voice, the voice who started to haunt me the day after Jinyoung's accident. He never stopped haunting me ever since. He frequently does maybe a few times a month, especially when I'm alone and scared. When he speaks, I get even more terrified. I never told this to anyone. I have a lot of things that I keep for myself. This is one of them.

"Who are you?!" I ask. "Why do you still haunt me? Stop it please." I sob, putting my hands to my face. My breathing got faster and my heart feels like its going to pop out of my chest any minute.

"I will never stop haunting you, Lee Mina." The man said.

The voice got a lot deeper than before. I don't know how he knew my name. I can't even remember what wrongdoing I did in the past for something so creepy happening till now.

"No!" I scream and my knees shook in horror, about to fall down.

"Mina!" I felt strong hands pulling me into a tight embrace. It felt like the safest place in the entire world.

"Shush. Don't cry. I'm here." Says the embracer. His embrace is so warm and being in his arms are cozy.

I sobbed more, not caring about how haggard I look right now. All I need is a warm and tight hug to assure me alright.

After a few minutes, I steady my breathing and calm myself to normal.

I pull out of the hug to face the guy. I smiled, knowing who he is.

"Jinyoung-ah." I squeak, my voice is weak.

"Don't talk. Let's get you home." He says, gabbed my bag and put a hand around my waist.

Hey people! I know I'm not supposed to put any AN at every end of the chap but... I just really want to express my gratitude to you guys! :) cause Y'all are so amazing. :)

I know you all hate me for making you wait :( please understand :( you all know the reason why :((( but I promise to the river Styx (if ya know what I mean ;) ) That I'll never stop writing this book till the very last word of it. I promise. :)

Again, Thank you everyone for 1.69K reads! Hooray to us!

Much love,

Smile // GOT7 JinyoungTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon