27. gone

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"You should know why you don't deserve the answer to that yourself, Park Jinyoung." I tell him. Mina's words from the last time I saw her come ringing in my head.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone, okay? Thank you so much, Song Yoonjae."

He lets go of my collar gently.

I know that the bus has already left me, so I just walk away like normal. Okay, I almost embarrassed myself there.

But, without turning back, I still walk away.


Park Jinyoung's POV (AN: finally lol)

He hugged her, and she didn't pull away. He was there when someone hurt her, when I hurt her, when she needed a shoulder to cry on. He was there. He will always be.

Dammit, Park Jinyoung. You're a piece of shit.

I didn't hear any of what they were saying, but I just quietly walked away.


"Mina took a leave." Was all my ears could seem to hear.

Then suddenly, everything hit me, like a train.

It was just the other day I fought with her. Then yesterday, she was bawling her eyes out to Song Yoonjae.

Now she's left. And I don't really know if she's ever going to be coming back.


Later that day, I forced Yoonjae, but his words only seem to hurt me more.

"You should why you don't deserve the answer to that yourself, Park Jinyoung."

And he left.

Aish. Lee Mina, Where are you?

I sit there for a whole thirty minutes, not caring at staring people passing by, getting on, and getting of the bus.

My phone starts to ring. I look at the caller ID to see Jaebum hyung's name.

"Where are you? It's getting really dark now. Get your butt here, it's almost dinner time."

Even with the mention of dinner, my mood doesn't change. I just half heartedly say, "okay."

"Be safe." He says, and I tap the end call button.

I take my time walking back to the dorm, with slow and lazy steps. By the time I get inside, they're just about to set the table, but the food's already cooked.

Mark pats me in the shoulder and comes with me to the table. We eat dinner the usual way, talking and laughing like family. I get carried away for a little while too.

Youngjae volunteered to do the dishes, and Bambam wanted to help. So I just quietly returned to my room.

I sat in my desk, where all sorts of stuff are lying. I mean like, lol who has time to clean their desks up? Let me tell you the answer. Absolutely no one.

But of all the junk, there's one that catches my eye. I take it by my hand and stare at it.

I don't even know your name. Why am I still running after you?

I don't even remember your face, except in this photograph. Why am I still waiting?

I don't even know how you're doing, or if you're healthy and well. Why am I doing this?

Why am I like this?

I think it's time for me let you go, don't you think so too?

Tears come racing down my cheeks before I know it. I look down to the photo frame with the picture in it.

Mina left, it was all because I pressured her with questions she's not even supposed to answer. It lead to causing her pain.

It was just like when we first met. I caused her pain. That was unintentional. But this time, It was all on me.

"Aish. This thing!" I raised the frame, preparing to throw it, but the door opened. And there stood Kim Yugyeom.

"Hyung!" His rushes beside me, and takes my hand with the frame in it and put it down to my sides.

I just pant heavily, not saying a word.

He takes the photo frame away from my hand, and takes a look at it.

"I'm sorry for zoning out again because of this piece of crap. I--" he cut me off by talking with that big mouth of his. This kid, really.

"No, hyung." He quietly says, looking down.

I wait for him to answer, but he takes out something from his pocket instead.

My eyes widen in surprise. It's the exact same picture.

"This is.." I stare at it in disbelief. "Where did you..?"

"We're a team. I hate lying to you." He says.

Wait."You don't mean..?" I look at him in surprise.

"No!" He shouts in protest. "That obviously isn't me, hyung. You and your wild mind."

I almost let out a sigh of relief.

"I just know her." He lets out a long and deep sigh. "I'm sorry for not telling you this earlier."


Smile // GOT7 JinyoungTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon