"Calm down Emi, I'm currently outside and people are beginning to stare." I gave a shy wave to the group of students staring at me. "I'm going to the mansion during lunch." I whisphered, hoping not to attact to much attention.  "If everything goes well, we should be able to proceed onto the next part by tonight." I checked the program three times before going to bed last night. I'm convenced the results will be positive.

"Cam." Ms. Tiya came over, causing me to close my laptop. She only seeks me out at school, if she needs an errand done. "Have you seen Alexei? I can't find him."

Shaking my head, I answered. "No, he wasn't in class this morning. Maybe he's in the imfrarmy."

Tiya thought for a moment, know Alexei often went to the imfarmy whenever he had migranes. "I'll checkthere, but let him know I'm looking for him if you find him first."

Once she left, I reopened my laptop. "Alexei hasn't contacted you has he?"

Emi shook her head, "No, which is strange. We talk every morning."

Talking out my cell, I tried calling him. "You've reached my cell, leave a message." Alexei's voice mail came up, not rining once.

"This is weird. Alexei was on Lyoko yesturday when I activated the 'Return to the Past'." I tried connecting to the supercomputer. Using the connection, I activated the locator program.

"I couldn't find Alexei anywhere." Kya ran over, out of breath. "None of his friends or teammates have senn him."

My laptop began beeping, showing the mountain sector. "That's because he's still on Lyoko. I modelzied the locator program to search for Alexei's digital signature."

Kya glanced over my shoulder. "Is he currently in the moutain sector or is that is last known location?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. I'll need to go to the manison and run another search."

"You can't go now. Mrs. Reed will flip if you skip art class again." Kya has a good point. Art is the one class I eish we didn't have to take. Which is why it's the one I skip the most. Mrs. Reed promised me twelve hours of detenion if I skipped her class again.

"We have to find Alexei, that's more important than a dumb art class." While finding Alexei is important, skipping art is just a fun bouns.

"You two go to class. I'll check the montain sector for Alexei." Emi voluteered.

"Perfect, thank's Emi!" Kya closed my laptop, than packed it up. "We'll check Lyoko futing lunch." She dragged me to art, our last class before lunch.


Emi's POV:

Stepping out of the Way Tower, I arrived in the mountain sector. The mountain sector held the only changing land. Several areas were surrounded by moving rocks. This often made getting to activated towers differcult. "Esolc snuem." 'Close meuns'. The digital menus opened, allowing me to check the locator. It still showed Alexei being in the mountain sector. Closing the menu, I began my search.


Cam's POV:

"Cam, can I speak with you for a moment?" Mrs. Reed stopped me from leaving.

"Sorry, Mrs. Reed I can't. Kya's waiting for me." I tried walking pass, only for her to block me.

"We need to discuss your attention." Mrs. Reed crossed her arms. "In the last month, you've only attended five classes. Since this class only meets twice a week, you've missed forty percent of classes. One more absentence and you'll fail art for this quarter."

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