Natsu's Plan

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🔑Lucy's P.O.V🔑

"I don't like any of these dresses!" I complained as we strolled around the mall. We had picked up the dresses and had them in our basket, but as for my dress, I couldn't find one that I liked.

"You'll look amazing in whatever you choose. Hurry and pick one though. It's almost lunch." Natsu said, carrying the basket around.

"Fine. Only one looks decent to me. Wait out here." I said, hiding the dress I chose and running into the fitting rooms. 

🔥Natsu's P.O.V🔥

I need to find a way to get her distracted long enough so that I can go find what I'm looking for. How am I going to do that? I could leave her in the food court and say that I have to use the bathroom, but that's not a long enough excuse. I can't just tell her that I need to get something, because then she'll question me and follow, and I can't let her do that. What if I-

"Natsu. I'm done!" Lucy cheered, interrupting my thinking. I looked up at her and saw her in her dress. It went down to her knees and had the colors of sunset. It was one shouldered and she looked amazing in it.

"This looks best on you. Now stop worrying and just get it." I smiled.

"But I feel like it shows too much skin. And my skin isn't exactly the most... Smoothest of skins." She whimpered, hiding her arms behind her back and crossing her legs. I walked up and grabbed her hands, holding them in mine.

"Your skin shows what you've been through and how you've become stringer because if it. So font be ashamed of it. The dress is perfect, so stop making excuses for you not to get it." I said, inches away from her face. She smiled and nodded, going back to get her own clothes on.

She walked back out with the dress and we bought them at the front. Right after that, we went straight for the food court.

"What do you feel like eating?" I asked her.

"Anything really. Here, give me the dresses and go puck out something to eat. I'll be outside in the little courtyard they have. Same table as earlier." She said, taking the dresses and going outside.

Now's the perfect time to get what I need! I thought, running of, searching for the one shop I needed. I had to hurry though. It would seem a little fishy if I don't show up with food in at least 30 minutes. There better one that's perfect. 

That's what my Luce deserves.


I am an evil person! I'm not telling you what he's planning! Go ahead and take you best guess.

(I'm pretty sure everyone's going to get it, unless I decide to be mean and not make it what you think it is😊😈)

OK! See you in the next chapter!! I'm doing non-stop posting for this book now so that I can start on the

'Afterwards' part of this. So this book will end tonight!(Also means more typos)

Also, (not important, don't need to read if don't want to), I listened to Masayume Chasing while writing this, and I can't stop having Nalu feels. Don't tell me that when you listen to that song you don't get Nalu feels! Because it is perfect for Nalu and you guys know it!!

OK.... See you in next chapter for realz now.

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