Memories Of Kindness

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🔑Lucy's P.O.V🔑

We got to the mall with everyone and the first thing the girls did was run into the clothing department.

"Well, I guess us boys will be heading to the food court waiting for you guys. See you later Lucy!" Gray called out.

"Levy better not spend all of her savings on a dress." Gajeel mumbled with a smirk.

"Where are you gonna be Lucy? You said that you were gonna wander off yourself." Natsu asked me.

"I'll probably be around the antique places. Come find me when you're done." I told him, walking off.

I made my way to the antique shops and admired all of the China decorations some old crafts, and other things you could find in your grandmother's house. I loved this kind of stuff. It made me think of how creative people are. I mean, think about it! All of these fine painted chinaware was hand painted by someone, and we just take advantage of it! Place yourself as the person who made this! Everything was made by someone to entertain the human eye, yet no one gives credit to the people who make it. One day, it's all going to stop, and everyone will miss it. Just watch. It'll happen.

I walked into another shop and saw a child crying in the corner. As she cried, she reminded me of my child self.

"Hey, are you OK?" I asked, bending down to her eye level.

"Momma left me here a-alone! I don't k-know where to go!" She cried, jumping onto me for a hug.

"Do you know where she might be?" I asked.

"She was talking about food when she left." The little girl mumbled.

"Then let's go check the food court. Maybe your mom's looking for you there."

I picked the little girl up and carried her all the way to the food court. I looked around to see if I could find the boys, but I couldn't, so I started hunting for the mom on my own.

"What's your mom look like?" I asked, quite loudly so she could hear me.

"She has black hair and is wearing green." She said. I looked around and saw a worried looking women frantically looking around.

"Excuse me! Ma'am! Is this your daughter?" I called, walking up to her.

"Oh my goodness yes she is!" The woman cried.

"Momma!" The little girl cried, reaching out. I placed her down and she ran up to her mother.

"Thank you so much for finding her. What's your name?" She asked.



"Pardon me? I didn't hear you." She said.

"Sorry, I said it's-"


"One more time sweetie. Sorry."

"Lucy. I'm Lucy." I finally said.

"Well, thank you Lucy."

"Yeah, no problem." I said, walking away with a confused look on. 

I took a seat at a table and stared. Things were popping into my mind. There was laughter. My laughter, and someone else's laughter. It was so calming to me. It was a boys laughter, and he seemed happy about something. He wore clothes of a black hoodie and jeans. His spikey hair was untamed. We held hands as we walked. Our smiles were genuine, not forced.

They were kind. 

They were warming.

They were calming.

He was mine.

He was kind to me.

He was warming to me.

He was calming to me.

I loved him, he loved me.

Why can't I remember?! And what was that name that I was thinking off while I tried to say mine?! Why do I keep forgetting the most important things?! 

Why do I live if I'm only going to be tortured?!


Plot twist!! Hahaha! I'm so evil!

Now, if you haven't already noticed, this book has been renamed to

Remember The Bad Boy; Final Book... Maybe

That's because this actually might not be the last book. While I was thinking about it, I was thinking about how you guys might want an after story. The thing about that is, that it would be a side series from The Bad Boy Series. It probably would be called like... After the bad boy... Or maybe even.... Bad boy no more.. Or something!

The point is!

There most likely wol be a after story as a side series to this, but this most likely will be the last book to the official Bad Boy Series.

Hopefully you actually read this ending and didn't skip through it like most people because they don't like to read what's going to happen to the book. Look, I'm gonna write one last sentence that's  NOT TRUE!

But I bet someone's gonna fall for it because they skipped this whole A/N Ready! Remember, what I'm about to say is NOT TRUE!!!! I WILL CONTINUE!!

























































All in all, I'm discontinuing this book. Sorry.

Nalu - Remember The Bad Boy (Book 4; Final Book)Where stories live. Discover now