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Victories aren’t won by spectators but by fighters, and I am a fighter, and I will never give up


One Piece- Season 5

I usually have to tell myself this when I go through one of Olie and I’s training sessions. Olie is my “older” brother. People say that we look very similar and we think a like too. Some people even get mixed up with our names which I’m not sure how you can when his name is Olie and mine is Caroline. He is only older then me by like two minutes and he never lets me forget it. Whenever I do see Olie though I just think that’s how I would look if I was a boy, and I am pretty proud of that.

The training that Olie does of course is more vigorous then mine because he is a boy and is 20 times stronger then me and now I don’t physically train as much as I used to for some weird reason. I think Nate doesn’t think I need to.

Nate is our guardian, when our dad left us; he pretty much left us with one of the hardest martial arts trainers in all of the Grand Line which we had to live with since we were five. Our mother died giving birth to me so she couldn’t be there. And I’m not even sure why my father left but it doesn’t matter to me anymore.

Maurice looked up at me curiously. For a cat though, he really knew how to use his facial expressions.

“Come on Moe, hop in the bag, Nate needs us to go and get groceries,” I tell him as I opened up my fairly sized leather brown bag.

The little black cat hopped in and then looked up at me with his golden hazel eyes. “I still don’t understand why I have to go. I have cat business to attend to,” Maurice answered back. The only reason he can talk is because he ate the telepathic devil’s fruit so it allowed all wanted thoughts of his to be audible. “And not only that but Olie’s out in town why can’t you just go and get him to do it?” 

“Olie should be working Nate’s dojo.” I answered back shoving my wallet next to my furry friend and the list of food Nate left me. Pulling on my black Toms as I headed out of my room; I grabbed the car keys and walked right out of our little cottage.

The sun stared brightly into my eyes and the mugging hot heat slowly filled my atmosphere. As soon as I started strolling down the path Maurice hopped his way out.

“You know the whole point of my keeping you in this bag is so that you can’t run off,” I told him as I looked down.

He answered back with, “I just feel so cramped up in there. If you’re going to kidnap me the very least you could do is give me the free will of walking.”

Whatever I think as we made our way into town. Nastu Town which is summer town along the Grand Line that is especially known for their elite warriors trained by dojos in town.

Making our way into town I headed towards the market. Nate especially wanted me to get some things to make a protein shake for himself and Olie. When I notice there is this goofy looking guy hovering over me.

“Caroline,” Maurice whispered as he hopped inside my bag. “Atchway outway orfay ethay apistray ehindbay ouyay,” he told me in Pig Latin.

I slowly turned around to see this blonde guy with long ass legs and his hair swerved so that you could only see one of his eyes and his eyes brows curled up at the end. He was wearing a black suit with a blue button down shirt He was actually really handsome but creep is not my biggest turn on, and neither was the smoke in his mouth.

“I’ve finally found the perfect woman,” He exclaims grabbing my hand and holding it to his cheek.

“Perfect women?” I questioned looking at him weirdly, “I think you’ve got me confused with somebody else,”

Fighting For Falling- One Piece fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now