texting and planing

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As soon as i got back, i saw a bunch of messeges show up.

I never thought that a blinking phone can make you so happy.

I kinda feel like a fool when i cried yesterday.

But that's all in the past.

I tuned on the oven to make me some quick meal and look at my phone.

'new messages'

Jin: "Hey!"

"I'm home?"

"Did you get home savely?"

"I told Jimin about the situation bc he didn't stop asking..."

"He's really upset."

"I hope he didn't text you."

Imidiatly i saw Jimin's texts.

Jiminie-oppa: "Is everything okay?"

"Should i come visit you?"

"As a friend oc :)"

I actually am considering it.

For the last few days i was always at someones home and never alone and now i am all alone at home. I would love to have someone here in person.

But it would be too soon with Jimin.

Jin would probably freak out. I chuckled at myself.

I write Jin back first.

Me: "Hi, i'm at home as well."

"He did text me."

"He wants to visit me..."

Jin: "What will you do?"

'He's really giving me the opportunity to deside.', I smiled.

Other then Jimin he's not that jealous. At least it seems.

Me: "I will probably deny it."

"I should catch some sleep."

"And you should as well!! <3 <3"

Jin: "I will my lady! <3"

I opened Jimin's messages up again to write him.

Me: "It's a bit all over the place rn..."

"But i'll be fine."

"You don't need to come :)"

"But thank you for the offer ^_^"

I changed his name back to 'Jimin' so it's not as cringy as it was.

Jimin: "Always, my darling. :3"

"I hope you come visit us by any chance..?!"

Me: " I will try, but right now the situation is a bit tricky."

Jimin: "Yea, i know."

Me: "You know?"

Jimin: "Jin talked to everyone of us 'bout it."

"He's really frustrated by it."

Jimin: " Do you think that the girls said the truth about the whole 'didn't take pictures'?"

Me: "Well i hope."

"I can ask them myself tomorrow."

Jimin: "And you think they would tell you the truth?"

Me: "Well, what other can i do?"

Jimin: "Your hero can save you ones more ;D"

Me: "?"

Jimin : "I could befriend them and ask them w/ my charms ;D"

Me: "I don't think that this is necessary."

Jimin: "Think about it hun :3"

Me: "I will."

I lied. I mean that would take it too far, right.

Jimin: "Great, you can always count on me!"

Me: "thx :)"

"I need to go now. I wish you a good night."

Jimin: " You too sweety. :3"

He's still giving me those nicknames. Well, at least he tries not to send me hearts. It's kinda sweet how he tries to be more a friend.

I got a new notification by Jin.

Jin: "I'm a bit confused about your 'probably'."

"Did you tell him that he should come?"

'He's jelouse. But in the cutest way possible.', i giggled.

Me: "Don't worry."

"I said that i don't need him."

But he offered me something."

Jin: "That is?"

Me: "He offored to get those girls into a conversation and ask them if they took pictures."

Now that i write it, it sounds like something, kids would do.

It's kind of ridiculous.

Jin: "I know it sounds weird."

"But i want to be sure."

" And Jimin can be very persuasive"

Me: "So you consider it."

Jin: "I just want to be with you, just like a few days ago."

"And i don't dare to even look at you befor i am not 100% sure that the girls don't have anything against us."

Me: " I mean if you want it."

Jin: "Yes!"

He was never this confident. At least not that i can remember.

Jin: "Please say that you want him to do it!"

"He won't do it if i ask it."

Me: "Okay i will."

Jin: "Thank you <3"

I got again over to Jimin's messges.

Me: "Hey."

"Sorry to bother you again."

Jimin: "You?! Never! <3 <3"

Me: " I'd love you to 'befriend' them."

"If you could do it, this would be awesome :D"

Jimin: "All it takes is Jin to tell you."

Me: "No...It's not like that!"

Jimin: "It's okay. You don't need to excuse yourself."

"I would do the same if you would ask me."

Me: "So you are doin it?"

Jimin: "Sure! But if everything is good again, you need to visit me. promise?"

Me: "Promise :)"

Jimin: "Awww! :3 You so lovely!"

" I really like you!! <3 <3"

"As a friend of couse."

Me: "I like you too :D"

"Sleep well"

Jimin: "You too! And have some nice dreams about your hero."

Me: "xD i will!

I wrote Jin about everything i talked to Jimin and said also good night.

It's 1 a.m.

I can't belive how time passes just by writing with someone. 

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