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I pulled out my phone and showed Jin the conversation i had with Jimin.

First of all he complained about the fact that i saved him as 'Jiminie-oppa'.

Then i texted Jimin.

Me: "Can i call you?"

"What are you trying to do?", Jin ask.

"You know now that this is my stalker, right?", i made sure.

"Yeah the texts are pretty much like it."

Then after that i got an answer.

Jiminie-oppa: "Not now sweety. I'm still salty about this Chi- Won guy."

Me: "Please, it's important."

"He know's Chi-Won?", Jin ask suprised.

I nodded. He still doesn't belive me that the stalker is Jimin.

A new messages.

Jiminie-oppa: "Fine, but only for you <3"

I kinda feel bad for him.

But it's for a good cause.

I then got a call from Jimin.

I answered and put it on loudspeaker.

"Hello Jimin.", i said.

"Aww hey my darling. It's so good to hear your voice again."

I made just a little noise and nodded.

"Why did you want me to call you."

Good question. What would be the reason to call him other then to show Jin, that this is Jimin.

"What are you doing?"

A little small talk did never hurt anyone.

"I'm in my room. running up and down. I'm still angry.

I would be so happy if you would come home to me."

I'm gonna make a move so Jin is convinsed that this is 'his' Jimin.

"What if Jin sees us?"

Jin then nudged me and looked at me confused.

"Then he would finally know that we are together."

"But...", i tryed to speak.

"Did you tell him that you break up with him?"

"Jimin is that you", Jin interjected in our conversation.

"Jin?!", Jimin seemes to be panicking.

"Are you with (y/n)?", Jimin asks.

"Why?!", Jin started:" Why did you do all of this?"

Jimin stuttered. He couldn't finish a sentence.

"Why did you tryed to steal her away from me?!", Jin yelled: " You are the one that knows the best how importend she is to me!"

"You are so far up your own feeling that you didn't noticed that i have feelings for her too!", Jimin yelled back.

"That's not an excuse for you to stalk her and threten her!"

"I didn't threten her. And i just wanted to make sure she's save. Other then you, i care for her!"

I cut them both of:" Jimin!"

It got quiet.

"I didn't want to bring it to you through the phone but i desided to stay with Jin."

Both of them didn't say anything for a long while.

"Okay.", Jimin broke the silence.

"I'm sorry.", i said knowing that this is not helping.

"Jimin..", Jin started but no answer came.

The call didn't ended so he might be still listening.

"I just want you to know that you are never alone.

We all care for you and will never leave you. You can always talk to me or the others if you need."

Jin wanted to start another sentence but Jimin cut him off:



"Take good care of her. I don't ever want her to be alone! And you should love her like i do. She should be always save and feel like she's the most improtend person in your life."

Jimin continued:" If i ever get the feeling that she's sad or that you would hurt her, i'll be the first one to get her and then i will never let her go! Did you understand me?!"

"Very clear."

"I'm not kidding!"

"No, i know i take you serious. I'll do everything. So you don't need to worry."

"Did (y/n) hear it too?", Jimin ask.

"Yes, i heard everything.", i answered.

"If you ever need someone, come to me!"

"I will! We are still friends so don't think we are two seperet people.", i made clear.

"Thank you for saying that.", Jimin sounded relived.

It got quiet again.

"I'm gonna end this call now. I'm tired and get my thoughts together.", Jimin said.

"We'll see each other tomorrow. Good night.",Jin answered.

"And thank you.", he wispered.

"Good night you two.", Jimin ended the call.

"Good night!", i tryed to answer befor he ended it.

Both of Jin and me took a breather.

We looked at each other.

It was like we could speak to one other by just looking at the other one.

His expresion said somthing along the line:" I'm so glad we finally can relax and are done with all this drama."

Then he got up and took my jacket and sat down in a corner:" I'm sure you had a rough day."

He then streched out his arms to a hug:" Come here."

"What are you.", i looked at him confused.

He then made a annoyed noise and almost sprinnted towards me grabbed my hands and dragged me to the corner.

He put my jacket over us and his arms around me.

The more we sat there the more i got sleepy and soon found my head resting on his chest.

And the longer he was hugging me the warmer it got and befor i could realize it i fell asleep. 

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