second sleepover...

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Jimin payed the driver and was heading out.

As soon as i looked at the doorhandle i felt that i am very dizzy.

Everything is turning. I didn't drink to much but i can't hanlde that much as well.

When i got out i looked, where Jimin was.

He already went to the main door without looking behind.

"J-Jimin..", i tryed to scream but it was just a little quiet noise i made.

I keeped looking to him hoping he would turn.

Then i felt a weavy weight on me. I sank down on the floor.

Everything feels so foggy.

But i can see that Jimin turned around when he was opening the door and noticed me on the ground.

He headed towords me right away and crouched on my level.

"(y/n), what happened?", he looks really worried.

"I don't know...", i looked through him still with a dizzy feeling.

He picked me up and brought me up to the apartment.

I feel so light while he's carrying me.

When we reached the door to his apartment he put me down on his lap holding my back with one hand and searching for his keys with the other hand.

We got in and i looked immediately to Jin's room.

Jimin stopped in the middle of the living room area which was also the hallway.

He then took me to his room.

"Jimi...", i couldn't get myself heard by him. Or is he just ignoring me?

J-hope was also in the room but deeply sleeping.

Jimin put me onto the bed and i can only hear him heading out of the room.

I felt myself falling asleep for a while.

Then i could hear him coming back.

He leaned over me and said lightly:" Can i change you into somethimg more comfortable?"

"Whaa..??", i squinted my eyes and tryed to turn myself away.

"You smell a bit of alcohol and i just think you could sleep a lot better if you have lighter clothes on you.", he explained.

I hold my hands over him trying to reach around his back but failed:" Okay!", i smiled.

I can see his eyes sparkeling even from this dimmed light that came from the window.

I can feel how my top and pants got take off but i didn't look anywhere, i was way to tired.

Then i felt hands going down from my top waist down to my hips.

I felt them resting there for a short while. I can almost feel how emberessed he is. His hands are getting warmer every second.

I felt a light flince as if he got dragged back into reality again.

He then got up and i heard a closet door opening and in the next second i could feel knockles running down the side of my chest hips and thights while i got the shirt put on.

Then i felt a weight coming down next to me and hugging me.

He pulled the blanked over us hugged me thighter and said:" Good night, Jigiya."

We leaned over to one side and fell asleep. 

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