Did it happen

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(the next morning)

(normal perspective)

The first thought that came in my mind was:'Was this talk with Jin yesterday all a dream or real..?'

'Let me be the only one for you. Don't be like that to anyone else!',were his words?!

As i got ready to go outside i questioned myself what i should do today. Or how i should go up to him.

It's not like i could avoid him.

I took a look at my phone to calm myself but the opposite happened.

I saw so many messages.

"10 new messages from 'Jin'"

"10 new messages from 'unknown'"

"1 new e-mail"

"2 missed calls from 'Jin'"

"2 new messages from 'unknown'"

"...what the..", i ask myself:"Where should i begin?"

'11:45 a.m.', shows the clock.

"I can't read all of them. I just stick to the importent one.", i clicked on the messages from Jin.

Jin (at 3 a.m.): "Hi.."

"I know it's late.."

"but i can't sleep..."

"i know what i said was a bit harsh..."

"nobody owns another person... i know that.."

"i don't know what got over me.."

"please forgive me... i don't want to let this stupid sentence of mine ruin everything..."

"Please just write that you forgive me so i can finally sleep..."



"...ok... i'll see you tomorrow (y/n)"

"What... was he expecting from me..? Like i am awake at 3 a.m.?", i complaint.

I mean i'm concerned but also a bit confused about his way to write with me.

It feels like he's taking it really serious with all that "We are lonely in this city so let's be there for each other."

I mean i would love to have a friend but is he aware that it would be difficult for him to have a female friend with all the sasaeng fans?

Now i feel sorry for not answering him.

I got lost in thoughts and with a split second i got cut off by a call by someone unknown.

I picked up.

"Hello?", i ask quietly.

"Hey my doll!", i recogniced this voice: " It's your Won-Won!"

"Ah! Hi! Wait... how did you get this number?", i ask.

"Reserch!", i heard him laughing.

"Do you know what's up with Jin today?", he asks.

"No..? What is with him?", i ask back.

"He just wrote me that he's not feeling well and is gonna take this day off.", Chi-Won says.

"He wrote me at 3 a.m that he can't sleep. So i think that's why he wrote you.", i tryed to clear up this situation.

"WHAT??!", Chi-Won sceamed.

"This is unacceptable!", he continued:" Come to the studio! We'll be visiting him and will not let this little night owl skip work today!"

"I didn't beg for some extra time so he can just use me like that!", Chi-Won complained.

He is too outraged for me to just say anything other then: "Ok.. i come."

I left my home and got to the dance studio as fast as possible.

As i got there Chi- Won was already in his car and honcked as soon as i passed by.

'What a fricking a..', i wispered and opened the door.

"Haha did i scare you?", he laughed.

"You are an idiot!", i looked out of the window.

"Keep that rage up! We'll need it for Jin!", Chi-Won smiled creepy.

(20 minutes later) 

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