Wake up

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(20 minutes later)

We arrived at the apartment where Jin lives and got out of the car.

"What if the others are there?", i ask nervously.

"The chances are very low since they mostly have some planes.", Chi-Won calmed me down.

The door to the apartment has a password lock. But Chi-Won knew the passcode so we didn't have to ring the doorbell.

I feel really uncomfortable because it's the first time for me to get in someones home without them knowing it. And it will hopefully be the last time.

Chi- Won stepped around like he's doing this on a daily basis.

But his steps were really carefull. Like he don't want anyone to wake up.

He's got definitely some plans. And i think it involves me because he's always looking behind him to make sure i'm there.

"I'm not having a good feeling about this.", i said:" It feels wrong being here without any consent."

"Don't be such a baby! Just do what i say, okay!", Chi-Won smiled at me.

It lookes like he finally found what he was searching.

He opened a door and looked in it really quietly.

"There he is.", he wispered at me and pointed in the room.

"Now what?", i wanted to leave as soon as i said it.

Chi-Won grabbed my arm and brought me closer to him:" You gonna wake him up."

"Why me? It was your idea.", i complained.

"Because he probably wanna be waken up by a pretty Lady.", he winked.

This was just a game to him.

But for me it was the most unpleasant situation imaginable.

"I'm not gonna fall for your tricks. Please wake him up.", i almost beged.

"Shh. Don't be so loud.", Chi-Won placed his hand on my mouth:" I have a plan."

"Of couse you have..",i mumbled.

"Good.", he ignored me:"Now, you are gonna go to him and place your hand on his shoulder and whisper some sweet stuff in his ear.", Chi-Won continued:"..and then i'm gonna sprint up to him and jump on him!"

He made a face like this was the best idea he ever had.

But i guess i can make it work. I just have to say 'good morning' or something like that.

So i made my way up to him as quiet as i can.

With every step closer i felt my heart picking up on speed. I looked down and saw a big pile of clothes right next to his bed.

"Just like me..haha", i thought to myself and tryed to calm me down.

But the tension was there again as soon as i looked at the bed.

And in the next moment i found myself standing right next to him.

I looked over the edge of the blanket to make sure it's Jin i'm about to wake up. I can't imagen the weird situation if it was someone else laying there.

After some deep breathes i overcome my sheepishness and made a noise:"...ehhh... good morning"

 good morning"

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