Okay, now I’m not making any sense.

I take a very deep breath, straining the walls of my lungs, and breathe out through my nose. It didn’t clear my head one bit. But that wasn’t about to change my mind.

You do not have what it takes for this hero business…you just don’t have the gut for it…

I grit my teeth, I’ll show him. Johnny’s smug face and RockStar smile stick in my mind. I wish I had a blowtorch to light him on fire, not that it’d do much good. But it’d make me feel a whoooole lot better.

“Perfectly sure.” I say as I pull back my lips displaying my teeth in an evil cat smile, too bad no one saw it. Or maybe it was a good thing, cause I knew I looked damn heck crazy.

“See you on the other side,” Susan whispered, and shoved me forward. So she can see me?



Sorry, for the language. But can you believe what Johnathan Storm just did?

He brought Fifi!


What is wrong with him? i…he-gggrrrh!

Breathe girl, breathe!

They were cuddled in a huge arm chair at one side of the room, Fifi sat on his lap and her eyes were the size of golf balls, and just as white. Her mouth hung open as she gapped at everyone and everything that passed her, gasping like a freaking asthmatic patient.

My blood felt like it was on fire, it just was plain simply not fair. Period.

“So Reed, how’s it going?” Tony Stark casually asked, as if he was a normal everyday human.

“Well I’m learning what a pain in the neck it’ll be when I become a father.” They both laughed.

I had accidentally wondered over to where the three stood-eek! What if Reed, I don’t know, guesses that I’m standing not more than 10 inches away? Just as the thought crosses my mind Captain Ameri-I mean- Steve Rogers looks over his shoulders, I completely stop breathing. He looks around me, then right through me, then faces his front.

“What do you mean?” his voice rumbles, giving me goosebumps everywhere.

“Haven’t you heard?” Tony smiles in Steve’s direction. “Ol Reed here is a father.”

“Excuse me?” Steve laughs.

God-father” Reed stresses.

“Since when?” Steve asked.

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Where stories live. Discover now