"Too late, you're adorable"

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Her lips were soft, but firm. Her hair tumbled down her shoulders and brushed against the sides of my face. I was taken off guard by the shock of the kiss, which made me freeze.

But Vick didn’t give up, she tipped her head to the side and nibbled on my bottom lip, she rubbed her hand up my chest and wrapped them around my neck.

It was like a bright red alarm went off in my head.

I grab her by the waist and yank her down onto me, she open her legs and sits astride me. I hold onto her as if life itself depended on it. She pressed herself up against me, one of her hands tugging on my hair.

I think I’m getting lightheaded.

Then, just like a switch, something turned on inside me…something caught fire.

I feel the warmth spread out from my heart first, and then it ran down my veins and touched my finger tips. At every single point of me I could feel the warmth inside me, just under my skin. Then the warmth took a rocket trip straight to my brain and the warmth turned into heat.

Discretely at the back of my mind I knew something was wrong but my vision was clouded and tinted by the little bits of red flames that danced at the edges.

It was till I felt Vick squirm slightly under my arms, as if away from my touch, did my senses finally come in control.

I push her away and she stands back, as if glad I did it.

“Ur, I’m-” she rubbed her arms in an awkward gesture and looked at the floor.

I held up my hand to stop her from talking, she shouldn’t apologize, then she gasps and stared wide-eyed at me. I give her a confused look and she points to my palm in answer. I turn my hand to get a better look at my palm and I instantly cringe.

It was glowing red, the outer ring was a light red but the core of my hand looked like a blood red inferno.

“Shit” I say.

Vick pulled a chair and placed it infront of me. She sat down and looked over me critically, analyzing my state and reaction.

“You don’t know, do you?” she asked quietly.

I sighed, “Only when I’m in the moment. I discover what happens after everything”

She reached for my hand, paused, and laid her fingers on my wrists. It wasn’t as hot as my palms.

“Is that why you don’t want us to be together?”

I cringe.

I remained silent, it wasn’t a question I wanted to answer, hell, it wasn’t even something I want to admit.

“Johnny?” she said the name so quietly and lovingly it had me rethinking my whole life.

I look up and view her.

Her face looked drawn and solemn.  As if she had been through the wringer. Did I put her through that? All my actions and decisions must have really had a great effect on her, it showed.

Talk about a wakeup call.

“Before I answer your question” I start, “Tell me this, have I hurt you before?”

Vick threw her head back and let out a loud ironic laugh.

“Physically, mentally or what?” she couldn’t stop laughing.

I cough, “Apart from yesterday….physically”

“Well…” she looked hesitant. “It has happened a time or two-”

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Where stories live. Discover now