Powers Unlocked

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"H-h...how!?" I scream. My eyes are blurred with tears, I have never been more confused by things in my life.

How could this fucking be!?

I felt like throwing up. I felt screaming crying, laughing and peeing.

Peeing? Really?

"It is decided." The Grand Master boomed.

In a flash of blind rage and anger I turn at him, "YO! GRANDPA SMIRF!" I screech.

Everything seemed to paused.

"HOW! IN THE EVER-LOVING FUCK! AM I ABLE TO DO THIS!?" I push out my arm and a spray of snow comes forth.

I hear gasps from the monitor but I was too enraged to care.

"Oh, so you finally unlocked it" Granda Smirf said.

"I'm sorry, what!?" I screech some more, because it seemed like yelling was the only thing keeping me sane. "Unlock!? Was it locked in the first place!?"

"Correct" Grandpa Smirf simply said.

"Aaarmhp!" I fight the rage and anger that fought threw me. I grab a hold of my mouth and pace my spot, spikes of ice popping up around my feet.

Keep it cool, keep it cool, keep it cool!...oh the irony...

I chant to myself as I fight not to jeopardize the situation, but daaaaaamn did I want to smack a grandmaster right now.

"You were s-saying about the Tournament...!" I fight for a cheery sweet voice but my last words ended up coming out in a squeak.

"It has been rejected."

"What!? WHY!?" I cry out.

"The Grand Counsel does not owe you any sort of explanation to our reasoning."

I glare at him for a moment...and then shrug.




The Grand Master (along with the entire viewing world) gasped.

"You do not plead or grovel for you planet?" The Grand Master questioned. "How do you expect to be the Earths Champion if you have so little regard for it."

"Truth is, I owe nothing to this planet. It's been incredibly cruel to me and I feel it's in humanities best interests to go extinct" I say simply.

More gasp.

And then came insults in an array colors and languages. Not gonna lie, just cause you don't understand Chinese doesn't mean their insults don't hurt.

"What a disgrace!" The Grand Master boomed, "You humans are all so pitiful!"

"Perhaps so," I counter, "But we humans are more resourceful and resilient than any other race in the universe!"


"No, YOU'RE insolent." I spat back. "To come to our planet and home and feel you have the right or authority to take us away!"

I had no idea what I was doing or saying, but it still felt right.

"We humans won't stand by and let you just take us away. We will fight!" I yelled. "And when we fight together there is nothing we can't achieve! We may be small, weak, petty and even volatile. But I have never seen a race produce more heroes, more people willing to fight for one another"

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Where stories live. Discover now