I Volunteer...

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"Are you out of your fucking bloody mind woman!!!?" Johnny roared as he flew towards me.

"Waaaah!" I cry out in alarm.

I fling my arms out to create a portal to the Himalayas or something, anywhere but here.

But the stupid ability refused to work. Oh great!

So instead I'm forced to stand here and wait from my inevitable demise as Johnny fucking incinerates me on the spot.

He reaches me and lands on the ground, extinguishing his flames and barging towards me.

"Make it quick, make it painless" I whimper as I push out my arms in defense.

"You wish," he growls as he grabs both of my arms and kisses me fiercely.

"Oh my" I hear Thor say suggestively.

3 more seconds into the kiss I am completely unaware of my surrounds as I kiss him back.

Why does it feel like it's been forever since we've done this?

He grabs hold onto my back and I fist my hand in his hair.

"Aaaalright, break it up you two" I hear Logan say next, I also heard his footsteps walking towards us.

I pull my head away from Johnny for one second and say, "Fuck. Off" before turning back and continuing the sweet symphony of magic that was happening.

To make matters worse I place both my hands on his shoulders, as if anticipating my next move he bends down low a little, and I hope up onto him and wind my legs around his waist.

My heart is ready to explode and tears were about to erupt from my eyes. I loved this man so much, and it hurt beyond belief to describe what I was about to do. But it needed to be done, it needed to happen.

For everyone's sake.

As the kiss developed into something far too hot and steamy, I pull back slowly and look into Johnny's eyes. A stray strand of his hair had fallen away from his perfectly sculpted hair. How in the name of God does he managed to keep his hair this way!? And how come I've never thought to ask or question him about it!?

"I'm sorry..." I whisper softly so only he can hear. "I really did wish and hope you'd be my first time-"

"Ha! I knew it!" Johnny jumped in joy as he gleefully interrupted me.

I smack him on the shoulder, "But I must make this sacrifice, for the good of the planet. For the good of the Human race...for you..."

I hear the sound of people sniffing in the background, I lift up and twist my head around to catch sight of multiple individuals holding back tears.

"Whoa, chillax people, it's just my virginity. It's the late 2010s, girls don't hold on to it for this long anymore." I jokingly tried to make light of the situation.

Johnny wiggled me abit to get my attention, "You know I won't let you do this...right?"

"Do you have a choice?" I silently teased back. We were both talking in hushed calm tones but we both knew the torrenting rage of emotions we were hiding just under the surface. We had to keep a tight hold onto it or it could threaten to explode and spill over everywhere...

"Yes, I do. I'm Johnny fucking Storm" Johnny plops me back on the ground and drags me over to The Grand Master.

"HEY GRANDY!" He called out.

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Where stories live. Discover now