We Will Met Again(Author's Note)

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Most Important Author's Note

I am so so so so sorry to be doing this, I swear.

But I had no other choice.

I'm going to *chockes on tears*  have to put this story on hold...

But no for too long! Only until after April and I'm done with my finale year and major project!

This is too hard for me, but I hate doing this to you guys, making you wait months on end. And to top things off... the letter "T" on my laptop is busted so the whole fluidity of my writing is ruined! It's taking me much longer then it has to to write is messaged out! If/when I hopefully get a new laptop, I'll start sock pilling more chapters so that after April, this story will reform back to it's former glory and be on the top again!

I'm really sorry for disappointing you, and I know how much alot of you have really become attached to this story, and so have I! I want to see the end of this story through! And for someone like me who has never fully completed a project in her life, I am damn hellbent on finishing this one.

Just bare with me...please.

I felt it better to come clean and tell the truth then hide behind my computer in a webbing veil of lies.

But don't be sad! It's not the end for me! Despite my keyboard being busted I can still make other content, remember my YouTube Channel? Well it's up and running, and I post random things there cause it takes literally mins to make a video (but YouTube video's can also take a hella long time if you want your content to look good)

So don't miss me too much, you can see stuff I've posted there if you want more of me (even though I don't understand why anyone would XD)

At this point I maybe talking to air cause I've driven most of my readers away from lack of continuity, but it's still worth putting out there.

Besides, April is just two months away.

Please share with me what you think and lets talk in the comments! You can even tell me what you expect to happen or want to see in future chapters!

So stay happy, be well and I love all of you!

And don't forget to be awesome!

~Ya Gal Vicky!

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Where stories live. Discover now