(18+) Johnny and Vick | Completion

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*Warning: Very graphic sex scene ahead. If you do not want to read that stuff then kindly skip ahead to the next chapter*

Johnny pressed me down against the bed and kissed me intenstly, I cupped his cheeks and kissed back with a fevered passion.

He snakes his arm around my waist and bring me further onto the bed and fully begins to press his weight between my legs.

I arch my back, pressing my chest against him and dig my fingers into his hair. With a growl growl Johnny unwinds his hand from around my body and places both hands at the edge of shirt and begins to lift it off me slowly.

I gasp in mild surprise and he uses this opportunity as a way to use his lips to nibble agasint my neck.

I fight back a moan he fully pulls his shirt off me and resumes attacking my lips. I see him reach for his own shirt but a smack his hand away as a clear sign of I'll do it.

Not as with much cares as he did to me I yanks off his shirt from over his head, pulls back to look at me with mild surprise but I just get up on my knees and just push his chest hard till he landed on his back and I was fully on top of him.

I mount him as he lay back against his pillows and I proceed to to unbutton his pants. He arcs his brows at me but I only respond with a devilish look and yank the rest of his pants off him leaving him in only hist underwear shorts.

Johnny then just shrugs and proceeds to lie back and let me do all the work, I lean over and give him one final kiss and pull the rest of his shorts away, allowing his long hard erection to spring forward.

I was caught alittle bit off guard by the sheer gurth of him but I caught Johnny smug look off towards the side of my vision and I refused to let him have the last laugh.

With a mighty deep breath I grabbed hold (gently) of his dick and wrapped my mouth around it.

Johnny's ecstatic cry out in shock was muffled out by my thoughts of his things bitter, well not bitter...but salty.

It felt weird, but...I was still intruiged to learn more...

 I flick out my tongue and proceed to lick every inch of him, not even doing it for his pleasure, but just to sate my own damn curiosity.

Johnny sounded like he was about to have a fucking panic attack in the background but I figured if he didn't like it he'd atleast tell him to stop...

But my confidence is only restored more when I feel him grab a huge chuck of my hair and lean up forward above me. His breathing was intense and haggard and I repeatedly heard him moaning something about being close.

I've read enough romance novels to know what this means!

Just as I feel the shivers start to take hold of his body I angle up my head up and take in his whole length (well, the most of it that would even bloody fit in my mouth) and clamped down the whole walls of mouth around him and sucked hard.

"GAH! FUCK!!!"

Suddenly his fist clamps down on my hair and jams my mouth further down his length as a funny substance erupts from his dick.

Unlike how most novels seem to paint it as when a guys shots his load the girl is able to take it, I on the other hand choked (probably because of how deep Johnny decided to shove his dick in me!) and fell back onto the bed, spluttered and coughed to catch my breath.

"OOOOOOH NO! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Johnny began to apologize in a panic.

I giggled, which made Johnny freeze.

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