Paging Doctor Strange

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“Will it work?” Susan asked.

“We should give it a shot” Hawkeye says.

“Will she be okay?” David chides in.

“Science, science, science, science” Reed whines…atleast that’s what I think he says.

Ghost me was hovering next to my body as everyone, and I do mean everyone, stood in my hospital room.

Let me tell you, it was a relief to have someone to talk to. When Dr Strange identified me I nearly burst into tears from sheer joy. As soon as Dr Strange said my subconscious had manifested an astral form that was seeing everything outside my body Tony called in Reed thinking the Doctor had lost it.

“I’m gonna need everyone to calm down and be SILENT!” Dr Strange called over everyone in the room.

Several dozen pairs of eyes landed on him as he spoke.

He mumbles to himself a bit and levitates off the ground.

“Whoa cool!” I gasp.

“I know” he says to me over his shoulder.

“What did she say?” Johnny blurts out.

“She says this, or more preferably me, is cool”

Johnny looks at the spot I was standing on, his eyes sad. Wishing they could see me but can’t, and obviously being envious of Dr Strange who can. Oh Johnny…

“I still can’t believe Vick has been with us this whole time and never once tries to let us know of her presence” Susan whines.

“It’s not like she could’ve done anything in ghost form” Kevin said out of nowhere.

Thank you dear friend of mine.

What….why does his voice sound off?

Dr Strange had a glowing purple aura that spewed out of him. “I’m gonna need to group all of you,” he says from nowhere.

Everyone had confused looks. “Why?” someone piped up.

“Friends move to this side” Dr Strange continues to say, ignoring whoever spoke. Sara, David, Kevin and a suspiciously limping Wade move to the back near the door.

“Superhero friends over there” Dr Strange says from the ceiling. Spiderman, IronFist, Hawkeye, Thor, a shrunken Bruce and a reluctant Black Widow stand by the corner opposite the door. Wade hops over to them.

“Since when are you a hero?” Hawkeyes says.

Wade gives him the death glare.

“Superhero guardians/mentors right over here” he waves a hand to the foot of my bed. Logan, Cap and Tony step forward. Wade was about to move too when Spidey shot his web-shooter and pulled him back. “Dude, you can’t be everything to her” he says, pointing a finger in his face.

“Her.…sort of anyway- family to this side,” He shrugs.

“We are her family” Susan says hotly to him as Ben, Reed, Johnny and herself move right next to the bed where my head was.

There were four groups now in the room. Apparently everyone had come running to the hospital once they heard the news. It was sweet and touching but how the hell is this room not cramped?

“So what would grouping us help accomplish?” Cap asked Strange. And that sentence alone was the strangest thing ever, if you don't get it I feel really sorry for you.

I Am The Fifth Member Of The Fantastic Four (Soft Core Completed)Where stories live. Discover now